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factors on a proposed
following questions:
How does the
conference and should ask the
proposed conference relate to
accomplishment of the assigned mission?
What is the goal of the conference? Is the goal
clear and attainable?
Why is a conference the only means of
accomplishing the desired objective? Have all less
costly alternatives been thoroughly explored?
Will the results justify the direct cost in
man-hours and TAD funds?
Does the decision regarding site selection,
attendees, and meeting dates consider the resulting costs
in man-hours and TAD funds?
What activities are expected to send
representatives? What is the number of attendees?
What is the estimated total cost associated with
the proposed conference?
Have efforts been made to reduce TAD costs
using MWR facilities; for example, for conference
space and logistical support, and bachelor officer
quarters and bachelor enlisted quarters?
For regularly recurring conferences, has the
original requirement for the conference been
reconfirmed? Has consideration been given to
extending the time between conferences to reduce cost?
If classified material is to be discussed, has the
command security manager been advised? How will
access to the conference be controlled?
Will the conference include any nonfederal
participants or attendees? If so, what is their federal
government relationship; for example, contractor,
consultant, advisory committee member? Have all
formal and informal arrangements between the Navy
and such individuals received appropriate legal review?
Has the agenda and schedule been prepared?
Has a notice or memorandum, as appropriate,
been prepared to notify all concerned personnel?
What uniform is required for the conference?
Are escorts required?
Have arrangements been made for refreshments
and so on?
Is journalistic coverage appropriate?
As you can see, the previous factors and more
depending on the situation must be carefully considered
in order to conduct a successful conference.
OPNAVINST 5050.24D provides further guidance
on conferences. The following information will help
you in presenting data when the need arises for you to
stand in front of a group of people such as in
During your duties as a first class or chief petty
officer, you will make group presentations. They may
be for a divisions GMT, a predeployment presentation,
indoctrination of new personnel, and even a civilian- or
military-sponsored conference. Whatever the purpose,
the presentation can be either enhanced or degraded by
the quality of your presentation. With this in mind, you
should never go into a presentation unprepared. Plan
what you are going to discuss and make sure you are
knowledgeable in the subject matter.
Every time you face a group of people, you must
have a purpose in mind. This purpose is directly related
to the response you want from the audience when you
are through speaking. Presentations can be classified
into several different types according to their general
purposes and the desired audience reactions.
Presentation to Stimulate
When giving a presentation to stimulate, you want
your audience to be inspired, to be aroused
enthusiastically, or to feel awe, respect, or devotion.
Presentation to Convince
When the general purpose of a talk is to convince,
you attempt to influence the beliefs or intellectual
attitudes of your audience with evidence and proof. You
use this type of presentation to urge belief in the
commands policies and to attempt to persuade people
of the validity of your ideas.
Presentation to Inform
The object of a talk designed to inform is to have
your audience know or understand something to
increase or broaden their knowledge of your subject.