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This  is  applicable,  for  example,  during  GMTs  and predeployment  briefings. Presentation to Introduce Occasions such as command briefings may arise that call for you to introduce a speaker. You may need to  write  a  speech  of  introduction.  If  so,  obtain  a biography on the individual in advance and use it when preparing   your   introduction.   The   object   of   an introduction is to create a desire of the audience to hear the speaker; everything else is subordinate to this aim. You do not have to use everything in the biography. The topic of the speech and the type of audience determines the portions of the biography that you use for your introduction. There are no hard and fast rules for introducing speakers, but you must use the proper title for the person you are introducing. Following are a few general rules you should use: When  you  introduce  officers  by  rank,  give  their position   title,   if   appropriate;   for   example, Captain  Charles  Doe,  Commanding  Officer, Naval Air Station, Jacksonville. Officers may be introduced as Mr., Mrs., or Miss up  to  and  including  the  rank  of  lieutenant commander. They are introduced by rank from commander  and  above. Use  the  Honorable  (name)  and  position  title when  introducing  presidential  appointees  as  well as federal and state elected officials; for example, the Honorable John Smith, Under Secretary of the Navy. Navy  chaplains  are  always  introduced  as chaplain. Navy dentists or doctors are introduced as doctor up  to  and  including  the  rank  of  lieutenant commander.  They  are  introduced  by  rank  from commander  and  above. Use Petty Officer First Class (name) and position title  when  appropriate;  for  example,  Petty  Officer First Class John Doe, Career Counselor, USS Jouett. PRESENTATION PREPARATION What steps do you take to assure a successful talk and to make it worth the time of the audience and yourself once you have scheduled a presentation or received a request to speak to a group? Analyze Analyze  your  audience,  occasion,  and  location  and determine the purpose that can best be served in the talk. Is it merely to inform? Is it to convince the audience? Is it to stimulate the audience? Outline Prepare  a  complete,  detailed  outline  of  the  entire presentation  using  guidelines  contained  in  figure  6-1, citing types of example material for each point to be made. Plan the type of audiovisual aids to be used and indicate on the outline where they are to appear during the presentation. Most large commands have access to a graphics or training aids section that can prepare almost any type of visual aid you may need as long as you can supply them with a rough idea of what you want. Most presentations that you expect to become involved with will be supported with an overhead transparency projector. Any presentation is made up of three parts: the introduction, the main body, and the conclusion. In  the  introduction,  you  should  identify  yourself and make a positive statement that shows your interest in the group and the topic. You also should have an attention-  or  interest-getting  statement.  This  statement can be an example, a presentation of data, a narrative, or an assertion. Unless you know each individual in the audience,   jokes   are not   recommended   as attention-getters  because  they  may  offend  or  alienate part of your audience. The introduction also should identify  the  purpose  and  objectives  of  the  presentation. The main body should be assembled point by point  in  the  order  required.  Each  point  should  be supported by data or facts. If possible, you should limit any group presentation to not more than seven main points. NOTE:  The  limitation  of  points  does  not necessarily apply to a classroom presentation. You should make every effort, however, to make any classroom presentation as simple as possible. The conclusion also should contain a brief review or summary of the points covered and an inspirational message for the audience to use. The conclusion should end  by  thanking  the  audience  and  complimenting  them on their attitude and for their participation. 6-10

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