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DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY BUPERSINST  1430.17D Bureau of Naval Personnel Pers-262 Washington,  DC  20370-5000 1 November 1991 BUPERS INSTRUCTION 1430.17D From: Chief of Naval Personnel To: All Ships and Stations (less Marine Corps field addressees not having Navy personnel   attached) Subj: COMMAND   ADVANCEMENT PROGRAM  (CAP) Ref: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) Encl: (1) Enlisted  Transfer  Manual (TRANSMAN) BUPERSINST 1430.16D OPNAVINST 6110.1D Navy Military Personnel Manual (NAVPERS 15560A) OPNAVINST 1430.5C COMNAVRESFORNOTE 1040 of 26 Apr 91 (NOTAL) Selected Reserve Units Authorized to Participate in the Command Advancement Program (CAP) 1. Purpose. To establish policy, eligibility requirements,  and  administrative  procedures  for  the Command  Advancement  Program.  This  program allows  certain  commanding  officers  to  advance eligible personnel in paygrades E-3, E-4, and E-5 to the next higher paygrade without reference to higher  authority.  This  program  is  intended  to function in conjunction with, not replace, the Navy’s established advancement system. This instruction is a complete revision and should be read in its entirety. 2. Cancellation.  BUPERSINST  1430.17C. 3. Background. The CAP was established in 1978 as an incentive for seagoing personnel. This revision  will  clarify  who  is  authorized  to  command advance  eligible  personnel  and  simplify  or  remove many of the procedures for administering the program. 4. Applicability. This program applies to all active  duty  and  Selected  Reserve  (SELRES) personnel in CAP eligible units. Active Duty for Special  Work  (ADSW)  and  One  Year  Recall  (OYR) personnel are  not eligible for this program except when assigned to CAP eligible units during declared  hostilities. 5. Waivers. No waivers to the policies or criteria of this instruction will be granted and none shall be requested. 6. Policy. The intent of the CAP is to allow commanding  officers  of  ships,  squadrons,  mobile units, fleet marine force, and staffs of the operating forces  to  provide  substantive  recognition  for superior performance under the rigors of the operating environment experienced at sea or while forward  deployed. 7. Eligibility. The following criteria will be used when determining eligibility for CAP advancement: a. In  order  to  be  eligible  for  CAP  advance- ment,  personnel  must  be  assigned  to  units authorized to participate in CAP. (1) Active duty personnel must be perma- nently or temporarily assigned to a commissioned unit  of  the  operating  forces  designated  as  sea  duty (type 2, 4, or 8). Type duty codes are defined in reference (a). Eligible units of the operating forces are listed in Part 1 of the Standard Navy Distribution  List  (SNDL)  (OPNAV  P09B2-107(91)). (2) SELRES  personnel  must  be  locally assigned to an authorized unit (filling a valid billet in the unit) listed in enclosure (1) and be a satisfactory driller for a minimum of 1 year. Advance Paygrade personnel must have made their temporary  rate  permanent  to  be  eligible. b. In addition to the above, personnel must satisfy  the  following  requirements: Figure 1-1.—Instruction. 1-3

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