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Everyone in the Navy should provide outstanding
customer service. Of the many ratings in the Navy,
however, only a few are primarily involved with
providing services directly to personnel. These ratings
include AK, DK, DK, HM, LI, LN, MS, NC, PC, PN,
RP, SH, SK, and YN.
As a PN, you know the importance of providing
prompt and courteous service to a customer. Give each
customer the dignity and respect that he or she deserves.
Treat all customers equally regardless of rate or rank.
One of your primary concerns in your office is to
provide prompt and courteous customer service. Constantly
monitor customer service to make sure your personnel are
providing the best customer service possible.
You and your workers must remember that each
individual may require a different level of attention
depending on the situation or circumstance. You should treat
each customer the way you would want to be treated.
In a personnel office or administrative office
correspondence is handled every day. When we think
about correspondence, we often think about naval
letters, but actually it involves the handling of all paper
work. For training purposes, let us just say that whatever
paper work we handle is a form of correspondence
management. Managing correspondence in your office
requires your constant awareness of what is going on.
When you prepare any type of correspondence, certain
guidelines must be followed to maintain uniformity.
Since you have overall responsibility for all
correspondence that comes in and goes out of your
office, you must screen it thoroughly. When you receive
correspondence that requires action, assign it to one of
your workers. If the correspondence requires a
complicated response, train your personnel on what to
do. Place a copy of the correspondence requiring action
in a tickler file so you can follow up to make sure a
timely reply is provided.
When you send out correspondence that requires
action from the addressee, you must put a copy of it in
your tickler file. Send a tracer if a reply to your
correspondence is not received within a reasonable
period of time.
The peronnel office, like other offices, generates
many reports. To track these reports, use a recurring
reports management program. If you are attached to a
ship or squadron, the administrative office normally
maintains the file that contains the recurring reports. If
the reports you generate are not included, let the person
who maintains the recurring reports file know. This
procedure prevents duplicate files. This person will
remind you monthly or as appropriate when reports are
due. The efficiency of your office depends largely on
your ability to get reports out on time. SECNAVINST
5216.5C contains more information about
correspondence management.
Before you prepare any correspondence, make sure
you have researched all the information you will need.
When you complete the research and have all the
information, you can start writing. Keep in mind that
what you write will be read by a reader. The reader must
be able to understand the message you are trying to
convey. The use of complicated terms is appropriate
when there is a possibility of compromising technical
accuracy with the use of simpler terms.
Proofreading the material you prepare such as
letters, instructions, and notices is important. The
purpose of proofreading is to make sure the material is
accurate in all respects. Always make sure the needed
information is present and achieves what the writer
requires. After you proofread the material, let another
person review the correspondence to make sure he or
she understands it. If you and your reviewer agree with
all the information written, you can then go smooth with
it and subsequently distribute the written material.
Remember, the correspondence you produce reflects
directly on you.
A directive is an instruction, notice, or change
transmittal that prescribes or establishes policy,
organization, conduct, methods, or procedures.
A directive requires action or sets forth information
essential to the effective administration or operation of
naval activities, or contains authority or information that
must be published formally.
Instructions are directives that contain authority or
information of continuing reference value, or requiring
continuing action. Instructions remain in effect until
superseded or canceled by the originator or higher
authority. A sample instruction format is shown in figure