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Leave definitionContinued
annual leave, 1-17
computation of leave, 1-17, 1-18
convalescent leave, 1-17
earned leave, 1-17
emergency leave, 1-17
excess leave, 1-17
graduation leave, 1-17
granting leave and leave schedules, 1-18
leave accrual up to 90 days, 1-17
leave between permanent change of stations, 1-18
lost time, 1-18
Leave granting and leave schedules, 1-18
Limited duty, 2-5
assignment policy, 2-6
classification designators, 2-5
extension of enlistment, 2-6
reevaluations, 2-7
required service record entry, 2-6
responsibilities, 2-7, 2-8
Local examining board, 3-12
candidates without work sheets, 3-14
duties of examining boards, 3-13
Naval Reserve examining boards, 3-13
preparation for administration, 3-13
required materials, 3-13
Locations of duty stations, 2-14
Manpower Authorization, OPNAV 1000/2,5-11
Manpower Authorization Change Request, OPNAV
1000/4A, 5-12
Manpower Authorization Short Format Change
Request, 5-11
Manpower Change Summary Sheet, OPNAV 1000/52,
Manpower Claimant Access Support System
Manpower claimants, 5-1
Manpower management, 5-1
Manpower managers, 5-1
Manpower managers and advisors, 5-5
claimants and subclaimants, 5-5
commanders, COS, and OICs, 5-5
DCNO (MPT), 5-5
Navy enlisted classification advisor, 5-6
Navy enlisted classification primary advisor, 5-6
Navy enlisted classification technical advisor, 5-6
Manpower, Personnel, and Training Information
System, 5-10
Manpower planning system objectives, 5-2
PPBS, 5-2
Manpower requirements, 5-2
efficiency review, 5-2
peacetime, 5-2
Six Year Defense Plan, 5-2
wartime, 5-2
Meal passes for enlisted personnel, 1-16
activities responsible for issuing, 1-16
issuance of a new pass, 1-16
procedures to follow in case of leave, 1-17
security and accountability, 1-17
withdrawal of passes, 1-16
Medical boards, 2-4
convening authority, 2-4
convening of, 2-4
findings of, 2-4
information in medical board report, 2-4
Military essentiality code, 5-4
Military/leadership examinations, 3-18
disposition of examinations and answer sheets, 3-19
eligibility to participate, 3-19
record of destruction, 3-19
service record entry, 3-19