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also may be a member of a local examining board. He
or she, however, may not act as the senior member.
A master chief, senior chief, or chief petty officer,
considered by the CO to have sufficient expertise to
function as advisor to the examining board may be
designated as an assistant board member. However,
except as specified in paragraph 601 of BUPERSINST
1430.16D, he or she may not be assigned custody of
advancement examinations. Assistant board members
must be designated in writing and are governed by the
same requirements as regular board members.
All members of the examining board for CT
examinations must hold an interim or final Top Secret
clearance and be currently indoctrinated for SCI. When
a full examining board cannot be convened, a minimum
of one commissioned officer possessing the correct
clearance may administer CT examinations. his can be
done only when two qualified examining board
members are not available.
The CO of each Naval Reserve center, Naval Air
reserve activity, and Naval Reserve Force ship appoints
a local examining board consisting of officers assigned
to local units to conduct the standard advancement
examinations. Under the supervision of the responsible
CO, boards carry out the preceding requirements for
administration of the examining board. COs also
provide supervision and guidance to examining hoards
to make sure proper procedures are followed according
to BUPERSINST 1430.16D.
When a Reserve center provides support to a
Reserve facility without an active duty OIC, an inactive
duty Naval Reserve officer, or an officer from each
supported facility must be a member of the examining
board of the parent reserve center instead of establishing
a separate examining board for each facility.
Examining boards administer examinations, furnish
necessary material, give complete instructions on
examination procedures, and forward Navywide
examinations to other activities for usc by personnel
transferred or in a transient or leave status on the
scheduled examination date.
Approximately 3 weeks before the scheduled
examination date, the local examining boards senior
member conducts a meeting of the examining board to
review all directives about the advancement system and
explain any new procedures. The examining board must
plan for adequate examining rooms, identify proctors to
assist in the administration of the examination, schedule
examination times, provide materials required to
administer the examinations, and provide secure storage
for examinations and materials.
ESOs and personnel office supervisors must make
sure approximately 10 days before the scheduled date
of examination that worksheets for all candidates are
sent to the examining board. At that time, the examining
board will do the following:
Make sure an examination is available for each
candidate with a worksheet. If necessary, obtain an
excess examination from a local command. If that is not
possible, consider splitting an examination booklet with
a candidate taking the same examination. If the senior
board member or ESO is not able to obtain an excess
examination or a split one, a substitute examination must
be ordered per paragraph 502 of BUPERSINST
Check for loss or compromise of examinations.
Prepare a seating arrangement that will provide
maxi mum comfort consistent with available facilities.
Make sure candidates taking examinations in the same
rating are not seated next to or across from one another.
In addition, examining board members must recognize
that smoking will not be allowed during the
Before the administration of the examination,
candidates will be provided the following materials that
may not be applicable to all candidates:
Completed NAVEDTRA 1430/2 (worksheet) for
each candidate.
One unopened examination for the appropriate
rating and paygrade.
One answer sheet. Only the NETPDC 1430/2
blue answer sheet is authorized.
Scratch paper.
One lead pencil. Candidates must use a number
1 or electrographic black lead pencil.
Maneuvering boards, parallel rulers, and dividers
as appropriate for candidates for the Quartermaster,