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The Navy Mutual Aid Association is a nonprofit,
tax-exempt, voluntary membership association of sea
service personnel. Although family members cannot
join the association, Navy Mutual Aid directly benefits
them by providing substantial monetary sums through
low-cost insurance plans to designated survivors of
It maintains facilities and staff at the Navy Annex
in Washington, DC, to help families of deceased
members secure federal benefits and allowances to
which they are entitled and to settle insurance claims for
all other insurers. In case of an unfaborable decision by
the Department of Veterans Affairs against a members
survivors, Navy Mutual Aid will provide an accredited
representative to assist in an appeal and follow through
until an equitable decision has been made.
The association provides secure storage space at its
headquarters for the safekeeping of vital personal
documents for ready reference by members and to
facilitate the processing of survivor claims. Other than
the cost of membership insurance plans, there is no
additional charge for services or representation made by
the association for the member or family.
Officers and enlisted personnel, Regular or
Reserve, of the Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard,
and officers of the U.S. Public Health Service and
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration may
apply for membership at any time while serving on
active duty. Membership privileges are not affected by
subsequent separation or retirement from active duty.
For further information, write to Navy Mutual Aid
Association, Arlington Annex, Room G-070,
Washington, DC 20370-0001.
The Fleet Reserve Association (FRA) was born out
of the need for an organization to protect the pay and
benefits of enlisted personnel. The founders of the FRA
were the first enlisted men ever to testify before a
congressional committee. For decades, the FRA has
continued its mission to protect the pay, benefits, and
entitlement of sea service personnel and their families
on Capitol Hill. The FRA also helps with individual
career problems by maintaining close liaison with the
DOD, service headquarters, and other government
departments and agencies.
The FRA continues to move forward with initiatives
that provide information, recognition, and support for
active duty personnel and their families. Through a
legislative seminar program conducted on board ships
and at military bases across the country, the FRA stresses
the importance of staying informed on the issues, voting,
writing to elected officials, and the value of grass roots
lobbying efforts. The FRAs Sound Off to Congress
program is a forum for active duty personnel,
ombudsmen, and spouses to voice their needs and
concerns to Congress, military leaders, and DOD
The association publishes a free monthly magazine,
On Watch, that focuses on active duty legislative issues,
career information and policies, and items of interest to
families. Each issue includes messages from each of the
senior enlisted representatives of the sea service and
interviews with other key military leaders and
Membership in the FRA is open to active duty,
Reserve, and retired enlisted personnel of the U.S. Navy,
Marine Corps, and Coast Guard. Commissioned officers
of the sea services with 1 day of prior enlisted service
are also eligible for membership. Spouses may join the
FRAs Ladies Auxiliary.
For more information on the FRA, write to 125 N.
West Street, Alexandria, Virginia 22314-2754.
The National Military Family Association (NMFA)
is a volunteer, nonpartisan, nonprofit organization that
educates military families about their rights and benefits
and monitors policies to improve their quality of life.
The NMFA also informs policy makers in Congress and
the DOD about the unique aspects of military life and
the needs of military families.
The NMFA has representatives in military
communities around the world. These representatives
directly link military families with association
volunteers in Washington, DC. The NMFA issues
include health care, spouse employment, relocation,
housing, education, child care, retirement, survivor
benefits, and compensation of permanent change of
station (PCS) moves.
Association membership is open to active duty,
Reserve component, and retired military personnel and
family members of all uniformed services. There is a
yearly membership fee.