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For more information write to the National Military Family Association, 6000 Stevenson Ave., Suite 304, Alexandria, Virginia 22304. NAVY LEAGUE OF THE UNITED STATES The  Navy  League  supports  U.S.  capability  to maintain a strong and viable Navy, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, and merchant marine. It  also  offers  members  benefits  and  services  on national and local levels, conducts national educational programs in support of the maritime force, and monitors legislation and funding for the sea services. The Navy League also helps sea service families through   family   awareness   programs,   works   with maritime service recruiters, and sponsors two cadet programs for youth: the Naval Sea Cadet Corps and the Navy League Cadet Corps. Local councils of the Navy League may support families  of  service  members  with  legal  and  financial  aid in times of need and offer help in securing employment and  housing. To be eligible for membership in the Navy League, you must be a U.S. citizen and not on active duty with the armed forces. For  more  information  write  to  the  Navy  League  of the  United  States,  2300  Wilson  Blvd.,  Arlington, Virginia  22201-3308. FEDERAL CREDIT UNIONS Federal credit unions are credit cooperatives formed by organized groups of people with a common bond who, in effect, save their money together and make low-cost  loans  to  each  other.  The  loans  are  usually short-term consumer loans, mainly for automobiles, household needs, medical debts, and emergencies. Credit unions operate under government charter and supervision.  Credit  unions  serve  only  their  members. For  example  Navy  Federal  Credit  Union  (NFCU) receives its charter-its authorization to operate-from the  National  Credit  Union  Administration,  the  federal regulatory  agency  responsible  for  carrying  out  the provisions of the Federal Credit Union Act. That charter states who is eligible for membership in the NFCU. Each of the nearly 10,000 federal credit unions has such a charter. Civilian credit unions have similar charters granted by the states in which they operate. Visit  or  call  the  nearest  credit  union  for  more information  on  services  provided  and  membership eligibility. NAVY-RELATED FACILITIES The  Navy  today  more  than  ever  recognizes  the importance of the Navy family. By taking care of its own through the various programs it has, the Navy has been able to increase the morale of both the members and their dependents. Some of the programs available to help  Navy  members  and  their  dependents  are  discussed in  the  following  paragraphs. FAMILY SERVICE CENTER Navy personnel make career decisions based on family issues and their quality of life. A significant correlation  exists  between  quality  of  life  programs, spouse satisfaction, and recruitment and retention of qualified people on the one hand, and the discipline, morale, and readiness of our forces on the other. Thus, the  overall  mission  of  the  FSC  is  to  improve  Navy awareness  of  and  access  to  reliable  and  useful information,  resources,  and  services  that  support  and enrich the lives of Navy and Marine Corps personnel and their families. Basic Functions of the Family Service Center The  FSC  provides  eligible  persons  with  information and  referrals  by  telephone,  face-to-face  contact,  visual and  printed  media,  and  electronic  data  transmission. This  is  done  in  a  warm  and  caring  manner.  These services  require  communication  with  the  professional staff at the FSC and with external resources to maintain current  information  and  referral  points  of  contact. The FSC provides programs, workshops, general military training (GMT), and briefings on personal and family enrichment that promote effective on-the-job performance  and  enable  people  to  achieve  a  more satisfying life; development of knowledge and skills that help people deal effectively with issues before they become  problems;  and  skills  training  for  command personnel and representatives to support command quality  of  life  initiatives. The   FSC   also   performs   interviews   to   collect information and make assessments of client needs. This may  include  testing  and  taking  of  a  case  history.  The FSC determines whether to help the individual or family at the FSC for short-term supportive or other counseling or  to  make  a  referral  to  an  external  resource.  All 6-6

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