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counselors  have  master’s  degrees  or  above  and  have  a control, fiscal oversight, and review of MWR programs state license. under  its  command. The  availability  of  adequate  facilities  is  essential  to Core Programs and Program Elements providing  high-quality  MWR  services.  The  chain  of command must exercise overall control of the size and The FSC provides personnel with information to scope of MWR programs. effectively  meet  the  challenges  of  Navy  life;  enrich  their lives  by  furthering  personal  growth  and  effective relationships;  enhance  knowledge  and  skills  for everyday living; and develop knowledge and skills that help people deal with difficult situations before they become  major  problems.  The  core  skills  for  living program  elements  are  stress  management,  suicide prevention,  financial  education,  personal  enrichment, and  family  enrichment. The FSC also provides relocation assistance, has a deployment  support  program,  provides  spouse employment assistance, and has a special needs program that  includes  family  advocacy,  exceptional  family member,  single  parent  families,  foreign-born  spouses, dual-career military families, and so on. The FSC also assists  all  retired  military  and  their  dependents  in  such areas  as  survivor  benefit  plans,  retired  rights  and benefits, and widows’ outreach and assistance. For more information  visit  the  nearest  FSC. NAVY LEGAL SERVICE OFFICE Although military justice is the primary concern of the NLSO, the Navy also recognized that members and their families face legal problems. The Navy has a sense of  responsibility  to  provide  legal  assistance  and  advice to members and their dependents at no cost. This is done through  the  NLSO. Some of the services that the NLSO provides are notarizations,  powers  of  attorney,  wills,  counseling  on The MWR program provides a variety of services to   service   members   and   their   families   at   bases throughout  the  world.  Some  of  the  MWR  services include operating fitness centers, recreational parks, child development centers, auto hobby shops, and wood hobby  shops.  The  MWR  program  also  operates information, tickets, and tours (ITT) offices; swimming pools; game rooms; bowling centers; snack bars; and catering   services   for   special   occasions   such   as weddings,  retirements,  receptions,  banquets,  birthdays, and balls. The MRW program is also responsible for the operation of cashiers’ cages and libraries. Keep in mind that some of these services are not available at all MWR centers. The availability of MWR services for ships and/or deployable units depends on resources and space. UNITED STATES NAVAL HOME The  United  States  Naval  Home  was  moved  to Gulfport,  Mississippi,  in  1976  from  Philadelphia, Pennsylvania,  where  it  was  first  established  in  1833. The 1990 legislation incorporated the Naval Home and   the   Soldiers’   and   Airmen’s   Home   into   an independent establishment in the Executive Branch of the  Federal  Government  known  as  the  Armed  Forces Retirement  Home.  Each  facility  of  the  retirement  home is  maintained  as  a  separate  establishment  of  the retirement home for administrative purposes and is operated by a director under the overall supervision of the Armed Forces Retirement Home Board. sales  contracts  matters,  counseling  on  debtor  and Persons eligible for residency are those who served creditor  matters,  child  custody  assistance,  immigration, as members of the armed forces, at least one-half of naturalization  and  citizenship  counseling,  lease whose  service  was  not  active  commissioned  service preparation,  counseling  on  repair  work  disputes,  divorce (other than as a warrant officer or limited duty officer). and  separation  counseling,  and  more.  Contact  the nearest   NLSO   for   more   information   on   services Category 1 consists of persons who are 60 years of available. age  or  over,  and  persons  who  were  discharged  or released  from  service  in  the  armed  forces  under MORALE, WELFARE, AND RECREATION honorable conditions after 20 or more years of active IN THE NAVY service. Category 2 consists of persons who are determined MWR  services  are  essential  to  the  effective under rules prescribed by the Retirement Home Board functioning of the Navy. Commands must authorize to be incapable of earning a livelihood because of a resources to provide and manage such services. The service-connected disability incurred in the line of duty chain  of  command  is  responsible  for  the  management, in the armed forces. 6-7

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