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Priority 1 Manning Excess  Manning Ships and activities whose mission success is vital to  the  highest  national  interest  and  that  require  some degree of priority manning for an indefinite period may be authorized priority 1 manning. Priority 1 manning is limited to that portion of the activity essential to mission success. Priority 2 Manning Ships  and  activities  whose  mission  success  is essential to the national interests and that have specific needs for increased manning for a specified period to carry out their mission may be authorized priority 2 reaming. Priority 2 manning is limited to that portion of the activity essential to mission success. Priority 3 Manning Ships and activities that have a specific need for increased manning above the normal manning level for specific mission accomplishment may be authorized priority 3 manning by the respective MCA. Priority 3 manning is not normally authorized for periods in excess of 1 year. All priority 3 manning authorizations are automatically canceled on 31 March each year, unless a specific date is otherwise authorized. Unauthorized Priority Manning No  activity  can  be  priority  manned  except  as authorized by CNO for priority 1 and 2 manning. The employment  of  personnel  assigned  to  a  priority-manned activity in functions not approved for priority manning is,  in  effect,  unauthorized  priority  manning.  The  overall integrity  of  the  enlisted  personnel  distribution  system requires  that  prioritized  allocation  and  assignment  of personnel  be  reduced.  If  personnel  on  board  exceed  that required to perform the priority-manned function or onboard personnel are not qualified, action must begin to terminate the priority manning, reduce the billets authorized in the priority-manned function, or effect reassignment of the unqualified personnel. Consideration  for  Lower  Priority Requests for priority 1 and 2 manning that are disapproved  or  recommended  for  disapproval  are considered  by  MCAs  and  CNO  for  a  lower  level  of priority  manning. Manning a ship or activity in excess of authorized billets  is  not  authorized  unless  Navywide  excesses  exist in the applicable distribution community (rating/NEC). MCAs  do  not  assign  a  special  Navy  manning  plan (NMP)  above  billets  authorized  by  distribution community within an activity, unless such action is accompanied  with  a  billet  reprogramming  request having  exact  compensation  (rating,  paygrade,  and  end strength  numbers). PERSONNEL ASSET DISTRIBUTION In  response  to  authorized  priority  manning requirements, the following distribution procedures for priorities 1, 2, and 3 are in effect: CHNAVPERS  distributes  personnel  first  to ships  and  activities  authorized  priority  1  manning from total Navy assets. Personnel are then distributed to activities authorized priority 2 manning from the total  remaining  Navy  assets.  When  all  priority  2 manning requirements are met, CHNAVPERS then distributes  the  remaining  personnel  assets  to  the MCAs on a fair-share basis. MCAs establish manning levels within their area of  responsibility  to  authorized  priority  3  manning requirements and then provide (fair-share) manning levels for their remaining activities. Currently, the capability in personnel requisitioning and distribution systems is limited to priority manning only whole activities, whole ratings at activities with a UIC,  or  whole  NEC  communities  at  an  activity. Commands requesting priority manning must realize the effect  of  these  limitations  on  the  priority  manning system. ADMINISTRATIVE  PROCEDURES Initial requests for priority 1 or 2 manning must be sent to the DCNO (MPT) via the activity’s MCA, with copies  to  the  remaining  three  MCAs  (CINCLANTFLT, CINCPACFLT,  CHNAVPERS,  or  COMNAVRESFOR, as  appropriate).  Requests  generated  by  OPNAV  or project  managers  for  priority  1  or  2  manning  must  be addressed  directly  to  DCNO  (MPT)  who  will  then  solicit comments  from  the  MCAs. Requests for continuation of an existing priority 2 manning authorization must be sent to reach the DCNO  (MPT)  not  later  than  1  March  preceding expiration.   Copies   should   be   forwarded   to   the 5-9

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