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of these rewards are better pay, more challenging job
assignments, and greater respect.
The member is not the sole benefactor of
advancement. The Navy also profits by gaining more
competent and better trained members. Highly trained
personnel are needed to carry out the Navys mission.
Each time a person is advanced, that persons value to
the Navy increases. The trained person becomes more
valuable as a specialist in his or her rating and as a person
who can train others.
Both the candidate for advancement and the
command have advancement responsibilities. For
example, each member must make sure his or her
advancement requirements are completed accurately
and on time. The command must make sure only those
personnel eligible in all respects are recommended for
advancement. The CO has the ultimate responsibility of
making recommendations for advancement and for
withdrawing recommendations for advancement.
A command that orders and administers
examinations must distribute an eligibility status of
personnel recommended for advancement listing to all
departments or commands, as appropriate. This listing
should include all personnel from those departments or
commands eligible in all respects and recommended for
The listing should also include a section that
contains the advancement requirements that have and
have not been completed by candidates. This listing
should be prepared in advance to notify all concerned
personnel of requirements that need to be turned in
before a set deadline.
Total active federal military service (TAFMS) is the
sum of total active naval service and other active service.
The Department of Defense (DOD) prescribes the
minimum TAFMS an advancement candidate must
accrue to compete as a regular candidate for
The TAFMS requirements for advancement to
paygrades E-4 through E-9 areas follows:
Candidates who meet the time in rate (TIR) and
other advancement requirements may compete for
advancement whether or not they have accrued the DOD
prescribed TAFMS. The number of advancement quotas
that may be filled by early candidates is determined by
DOD manning restrictions to a maximum of 10 percent
of the total enlisted forces in each paygrade E-5 through
E-9 and 20 percent for E-4. Advancement of early
candidates may require a higher final multiple score
(FMS) than the regular candidate competing for the
same rating.
Regular advancement candidates are members
whose TAFMS equals or exceeds the DOD TAFMS by
the end of the fiscal year in which the terminal eligibility
date (TED) is computed. Early advancement candidates
are members whose TAFMS falls short of the DOD
TAFMS by the end of the fiscal year in which the TED
is computed. The number of months remaining in the
fiscal year following the TED is automatically
considered in determining early/regular status. For
example, a candidate for advancement to E-6 who
participates in a September examination with accrued
TAFMS of 6 years and 4 months computed to the TED
of 1 January has the remaining months of the fiscal year
(January through September) automatically considered
as part of his or her accrued TAFMS, making the
member a regular candidate with 7 years and 1 month
TAFMS even though the candidates examination
answer sheet shows only 6 years and 4 months total
active service (TAS). Paragraph 301.11.4 of the
Advancement Manual, BUPERSINST 1430.16D,
contains a table that shows the number of months
automatically y added to the computed TAFMS.
At the other end of the early advancement spectrum
is a system used to provide fair promotion opportunities.
This system is known as the high-year tenure (HYT) that
prescribes the maximum years of active service allowed
between paygrades for professional growth
(advancement in rate) to occur.
The HYT limit is 10 years active service for E-4,
20 years for E-5 and E-6, 24 years for E-7, 26 years for
E-8, and 30 years for E-9.
With the reduction in size of the Navy, it is possible
that the maximum years of active service a member can
serve on active duty will change. If you want to verify