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qualification that must be documented to identify both
people and billets for management purposes.
The NEC coding system facilitates management
control over enlisted skills by identifying billets and
personnel and enhancing efficient use of personnel in
distribution and detailing. In cases where NECs reflect
special training, inventories of coded billets and coded
personnel are also the basis for planning and controlling
input of personnel into formal courses that earn NECs.
Consequently, the continuing enlisted strength of
the Navy, particularly petty officer allocations, and
funds authorized for rating and specialty training
depend, to an increasing extent, on the accuracy,
thoroughness, and timeliness of NEC coding.
Personnel required to support ratings and special
programs must be identified by the correct
combinations of rates and/or NECs.
The authority and responsibilities for NEC codes
reach from the Chief of Naval Personnel
(CHNAVPERS) to the personnel offices of individual
Chief of Naval Personnel
CHNAVPERS is responsible for the formulation
and implementation of the NEC coding system and for
maintaining technical control over the entire NEC
Commanding Officer, Naval Reserve
Personnel Center
The Commanding Officer, Naval Reserve
Personnel Center (NRPC), is responsible for
administering the NEC coding system for enlisted
personnel not on active duty. The Chief of Naval
Reserve and the Naval Reserve Readiness commanders
continually monitor NEC coding efforts by inspections
and through the Reserve Field Reporting System
(RESFIRST). This includes certification (where
appropriate to the Commanding Officer, NRPC) of
PN-2612 and rating conversion NEC assignments and
Commanding Officer, Enlisted Personnel
Management Center
The Commanding Officer, Enlisted Personnel
Management Center (EPMAC), in coordination with
CHNAVPERS, is responsible for effective use of NEC
information in the distribution, placement, and detailing
of enlisted personnel.
Commands Conducting Courses of Instruction
Commands conducting courses of instruction that
award NECs are responsible for reporting NEC
qualifications on students.
Enlisted Classification Units
Enlisted classification units, under the technical
direction of CHNAVPERS, are responsible for
reviewing NECs, correcting defense grouping (DG)
codes where necessary, and recommending coding
assignments or cancellations directly to EPMAC (Code
52) or NRPC, as appropriate.
All Commands
All commands are responsible for carrying out the
following actions according to the Manual of Navy
Enlisted Manpower and Personnel Classifications and
Occupational Standards, volume 2, NAVPERS
Making sure only personnel in proper source
ratings are afforded training in NEC specialties
recommendations for NEC
identification of billets in their manpower
Assigning or changing DG NECs and
recommending assignment or cancellation of all
other NECs
As a PN, you may be responsible for using NEC
codes to update or report personnel records at your
command. For this reason, you should be able to
identify specific NEC codes.
Types of NECs with which you, the PN, must be
familiar are the entry series, rating series, special series,
alphanumeric, numerical, and planning NECs.
Entry Series NECs
Entry series NECs consist of rating conversion and
occupational areaDG NECs.