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review each stage to determine time, space,
equipment, and operating personnel required, and
any other factors that will affect your schedule.
Dry-cleaning standards are based on a 96-hour
workweek and apply only to those ships that have
a dry-cleaning capability. These standards are
included in the Shipboard Habitability Program,
OPNAVINST 9640.1. Your dry-cleaning plant
should have dry-cleaning equipment and press
capability sufficient to clean and finish press one
dress uniform per person per month. This works
out to about 1 pound of dry cleaning per person
per week. Any troops that are embarked aboard
your ship should not be included in dry-cleaning
considerations. If your ship has between 100 to
500 personnel, you should have a minimum of a
spotting board and press capability to finish press
one dress uniform per person per month. Ships
with 100 to 500 personnel desiring dry-cleaning
equipment instead of a spotting board will be
considered on a case basis. If the capabilities of
your dry-cleaning plant permit, you may also
provide service to ships near your ship. That is,
in the case of tenders or repair ships, your ship
should provide dry-cleaning service to ships
tended in addition to your own.
Like the laundry, your equipment capabilities
need to be considered when scheduling dry-
cleaning operations. Based on observations,
information data, and review of past records the
following can be expected of your dry-cleaning
Dry cleaning—dry to dry—one load rated
capacity per 50 minutes
Dry-cleaning press utility—20 pieces per
operator hour (POH)
These equipment capabilities are dependent on
training, ability of personnel, arrangement of
equipment, and hotel utilities available for your
You should consider the space in the dry-
cleaning plant when making your schedule.
Normally, dry-cleaning plants do not have as
much space as the ship’s laundry and you must
have rigid control of the schedule from the
standpoint of receiving and issuing so that the
section can handle the maximum amount of work
in the space available. Do not receive more dry
weight than can be processed in 1 normal working
day, except under very unusual conditions.
Any services provided in the dry-cleaning plant
should be completed in a period between 24 to
72 hours. Services provided for items other than
regular uniforms should be clearly defined in your
schedule including the days and times these
services are available. You should be flexible in
scheduling these additional services especially just
before a personnel inspection or on a tender or
a repair ship that may be offering services to ships
alongside while in port. For instance, you should
not be doing a large load of civilian clothes at the
time of a personnel inspection when your work-
load will be extra heavy and you won’t be able
to get the work done on time. Modify the schedule
around this time to make sure you get all uniform
items done before the inspection,
Normally, officer and CPO clothing can be
processed on an individual basis; however,
enlisted personnel uniforms may provide too large
a demand to do them in this manner. In a
situation like this, you may want to handle enlisted
personnel uniforms as a bulk (division/group)
load. If you do this, make sure each enlisted
person marks his or her uniform according to the
U.S Navy Regulations, 1973, so you know who
owns the clothing.
To eliminate any problems in receipt or pickup
of dry-cleaning items, you should make sure you
clearly define on your schedule who is responsible
for these tasks. It is advisable to set a deadline
for receiving articles no later than 0900 daily. By
requiring delivery before 0900, the dry-cleaning
personnel can easily sort the articles into proper
loads and keep the washer operating to capacity
without having to wait for sufficient articles of
one type to make a load.
Schedule similar uniform items together
because washer loads must be of similar material.