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Receipts From Marine Corps
and Other Government Activities
Receipts of material from government activi-
ties other than naval activities must be inspected
at the ship. Material must be inspected by the
receiving SK to verify that the material is of
acceptable quality. If the receiving SK is not
qualified to perform this quality inspection, the
department head who eventually will use this
material should be requested to provide an
individual who is qualified to perform this
inspection. After these inspections are performed,
receipt of material is done as discussed earlier.
Receipts From Commercial Sources
When material has been inspected and ac-
cepted by an ashore activity, you need not inspect
for quality. However, you must do a quantity
inspection before accepting the material. When
you receive purchased material directly from a
commercial source at the ship, the receiving SK
should conduct an inspection for quality and
quantity. You must do a full and thorough quality
inspection and all packages should be opened and
the contents verified by count. When receiving
DTO material, you should use a department
representative for the inspection. Deliveries from
commercial sources should be accompanied with
itemized copies of the invoices or delivery papers.
You should not receive material unless a copy of
the receipt document can be retained. Material
should not be accepted unless you are satisfied
that it conforms to the specifications included in
the purchase document or contract. If directed by
the commanding officer, material that contains
minor defects can be accepted.
For the past few years, the Buy Our Spares
Smart (BOSS) program has been making major
changes in how the Navy acquires spare parts. As
a result of the BOSS program, the Navy has saved
millions of dollars since its conception. These
savings represent the hard, auditable results of
spares breakout, competition, and other actions
to bring prices down.
There are many other nonauditable results of
BOSS program efforts that are only noticeable in
the overall achievements of the project. The
existence of the BOSS program serves as a
constant reminder to Navy contractors that the
Navy is concerned about spare parts prices. This
is getting truer with each passing year due to the
budget restraints that have been put on the
military by Congress.
Fiscal year 1986 was a very successful year for
the Navy Field Contracting System in the area of
competition. (Competition means simply that
more that one qualified contractor must bid for
a Navy contract.) For example, fiscal year 1986
contract dollars awarded through competition
rose 10.8 points to finish at 64 percent.
Achieving this improved rate of competition
has been a team effort. Personnel in all areas are
working closely to encourage new competition for
Navy contracts. Requirement determiners are
communicating with contracting personnel;
breakout reviewers are constantly in touch with
procurement personnel; and Should-Cost analysts
are talking to negotiators.
The total cost avoidance attributed to
breakout for FY86 was $212.7 million. Breakout
refers to the detailed technical data screening and
identification process that leads to a decision that
an item may be procured from other than its
historical sole source. The Navy may break an
item out from the weapons system prime
contractor to either the actual manufacturer or
to open competition among two or more qualified
sources. Breakout removes the middle man.
During FY86, the Navy completed 17,265 full-
screen breakout reviews and 110,690 limited-
screen reviews. A full-screen breakout review is
required by regulation for any annual buy greater
than $10,000 that is also coded for sole source
procurement. The Navys ICPs initiate all full-
screen reviews, which entail a 65-step process
including data collection, evaluation and
completion, technical and economic evaluation,
and supply feedback. Resulting breakouts are
approved by ICPs, the engineering support
or the parent hardware systems
A limited-screen breakout involves material
that is not highly technical in nature and for which
it is readily apparent that the sole source
contractor adds no value. Any procurement
agency with technical expertise can perform the
limited screening and determine the effectiveness
of breakout.
These breakout reviews are the fuel that drives
competition at our ICPs, By reviewing parts
historically bought from only one source and
considering their potential breakout, Navy
engineering and procurement activities reinforce
their accountability for obtaining high-quality