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physical inventory. Of course this does not hold true for
repair parts storerooms and emergency requirements
that must be handled as they occur. However, it is most
important that the personnel taking the inventory and the
person posting the inventory be fully instructed on
proper handling of emergency issue documents. They
may be marked before inventory and after inventory
or other appropriate wording. The important thing is that
they be marked in such a way that the stock records SK
knows whether the inventory figure includes the
quantity issued or that the issue was made before the
item was inventoried.
The type and frequency of inventory is not always
a matter of preference. Minimum inventory
requirements are established by NAVSUP and vary
according to the type of ship. However, the TYCOM,
commanding officer, or supply officer may direct
inventories that exceed these minimums.
Some of the more common types of inventory are
described in the following paragraphs. NAVSUP P-485
should be consulted for more detailed descriptions of
these and other types of inventory.
Bulkhead to Bulkhead Inventory
A bulkhead to bulkhead inventory requires a
physical count of all stock material within the ship or
within a specific storeroom or other storage area. A
bulkhead to bulkhead inventory of the ships entire stock
of repair parts usually is conducted ashore in
conjunction with an integrated logistics overhaul (ILO),
formerly known as the supply operations assistance
program (SOAP). A bulkhead to bulkhead inventory of
a specific storeroom or other storage area is taken when
a random sampling inventory of a particular storeroom
or storage area fails to meet the inventory accuracy rate
of 90 percent as prescribed in the NAVSUP P-485; when
required by cognizant TYCOM instructions, or directed
incident to a supply management inspection; when
directed by the commanding officer; or when
circumstances clearly indicate that it is essential to
effective inventory control. Prior knowledge of specific
stock numbers or individual item locations is not
required for a bulkhead to bulkhead inventory of
specified storerooms or other storage areas.
Specific Commodity Inventory
A specific commodity inventory requires the
physical count of all items comprising a generic segment
of material; for example, items stocked under the same
cognizance symbol or federal supply class or that
support the same operational function. A complete
physical inventory of stock material comprising a
generic segment is taken under the same conditions as
those described for a bulkhead to bulkhead inventory.
Prior knowledge of specific stock numbers and item
locations is required to conduct a specific commodity
Special Material Inventory
A special material inventory requires the physical
count of all items that, because of their physical
characteristics, cost, mission essentiality, criticality, or
other reasons, are specifically designated for separate
identification and inventory control. Special material
inventories include, but are not limited to, stock items
designated as classified or hazardous. Physical
inventory of such material is required on a scheduled
basis, as per the frequency criteria prescribed in the
NAVSUP P-485 for each of the special material
categories. Items comprising each special category can
be related to a particular element of supply management
data normally entered in stock records. For example,
hazardous items to be inventoried may be determined
from stock records that contain an H, F, M, or R in the
HIC data block. To facilitate determination of special
materials requiring periodic inventory, nonautomated
ships should maintain either a separate file of NAVSUP
Forms 1075 applicable to such items (that can be used
repeatedly as count documents) or an NIIN listing of the
items comprising each category. (The special category
item list [SCIL] developed during an ILO is especially
suited for this purpose.) Special material inventories
also include controlled equipage and presentation silver
that are required to be inventoried following the
frequency criteria prescribed in the NAVSUP P-485.
Such material is identified in Controlled Equipage
Custody Records, NAVSUP Forms 306, maintained as
per the NAVSUP P-485 for each controlled equipage
item and each presentation silver item (or set) in
departmental custody. In automated ships that have
implemented mechanized controlled equipage
procedures, Equipage Custody Records, NAVSUP
Forms 1331, rather than NAVSUP Forms 306, are
maintained. Prior knowledge of specific stock numbers
(or other material identification) and item locations is
required to conduct a special material inventory.