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custody of officer personnel records, and the
establishment and maintenance of a forms control point
are efficiently performed and maintained. The ships
secretary also acts as the captains writer and supervises
the preparation of his or her personal correspondence.
The Department of the Navy Correspondence
U.S. Navy
Regulations, 1990, and command directives are the
guides for the preparation of correspondence. It has
often been said that if you follow these guides, you will
never go astray when preparing correspondence. One
sign of a good ships secretary is compliance with the
Navy correspondence manual.
In addition to reviewing outgoing correspondence,
the ships secretary reads, or is at least aware of, each
piece of incoming mail and makes sure all official
correspondence is processed and routed properly.
A very small percentage of official mail requires a
reply since most mail is informative in nature and need
not be controlled. It may be possible for the ships
secretary to provide a recommended answer to an
inquiry by referring to previous correspondence in the
files. The time to provide this information is before the
department head concerned or the XO receives the
letter, so a recommended action can be provided to the
captain. This is done by means of a mail control slip or
memorandum. It should never be necessary for an
officer to come to the ships secretary for information
when the ships secretary has seen the inquiry and knows
that information will be needed. When letter inquiries
concern personnel matters, the ships secretary often
drafts a recommended reply in the rough. The CO may
approve or disapprove the letter for signature.
Accountability for correspondence would seem to
apply only to the care and handling of classified matter.
However, in its broadest sense, accountability applies to
all mail that is retained in the central files, classified or
Maintaining the central files involves more than
sticking a piece of paper in a file folder. Mail of
importance should be routed by means of a mail control
slip. You should review article 620.5 of the Standard
Organization and Regulations of the U.S. Navy
(SORM), OPNAVINST 3120.32B, for more
information concerning mail control. If the person
taking action on a certain piece of correspondence
wishes to retain it, the control slip should be returned to
central files indicating that the correspondence is being
retained. If a reply is prepared to a letter, the
identification of the reply should be shown on the
control slip for future reference. Precautions must be
taken to make sure classified matter is not reproduced
without the permission of the proper authority. Close
control of mail must be kept while it is being routed and
a time limit on how long any department may retain
correspondence must be set before the letter is routed.
The ships secretary must always keep alert for signs
of improper filing. Few things are more irritating than
waiting for a needed letter or document, then finding out
the delay was caused by misfiling the needed material.
The ships secretary is the one who gets the blast, but
when material is misfiled, it reflects on the senior YN
and the file clerk as well. Misfiling of material is
embarrassing and should never happen if the office is
functioning properly.
The ships secretary makes sure that the file system
is set up properly for both classified and unclassified
matter, that a record of all persons who see Top Secret
matter is kept, that obsolete matter is disposed of
properly, and above all, that all correspondence is
maintained accurately. The Department of the Navy File
Maintenance Procedures and Standard Subject
Identification Codes (SSIC), SECNAVINST 5210.11D,
provides guidelines for the filing system to
accommodate both classified and unclassified matter.
Article 620.5 of the SORM and chapters 10 and 15 of
the Department of the Navy Information Security
Program Regulation, OPNAVINST 5510.1H, set forth
the requirements for control and transmission of
classified material. A review of these publications will
help you determine if your office is following the proper
The ships secretary usually details one of the best
petty officers to be the COs personal Yeoman. The
captains Yeoman types the captains letters, acts as the
captains receptionist, and notifies other officers when
the captain wants to see them. The Yeoman serves the
captain much the same way that the flag lieutenant
assists the admiral of a fleet staff.