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perform their work properly. At the same time, you must provide  for  the  needs  or  problems  of  your  people. As your responsibilities increase, your ability to communicate  clearly  and  effectively  must  also  increase. The basic requirement for effective communication is a knowledge  of  your  own  language.  Use  correct  English in  speaking  and  writing.  The  basic  purpose  of  all communication is understanding. To lead, supervise, and train others, you must be able to speak and write in a manner that others can understand. A  second  requirement  for  effective  communication in the Navy is sound knowledge of the Navy way of saying things. Some Navy terms have been standardized for the purpose of ensuring efficient communication. When a situation calls for the use of standard Navy terminology,  use  it. Another requirement of effective communication is precision in the use of technical terms. Command of the technical language of the YN rating will enable you to receive  and  convey  information  accurately  and  to exchange  ideas  with  others.  People  who  do  not understand  the  precise  meaning  of  terms  used  in connection  with  the  work  of  their  rating  are  at  a disadvantage  when  they  try  to  read  official  publications relating to their work. They are also at a disadvantage when they participate in the Navywide advancement examination. Although it is important for you to use technical terms correctly, it is particularly important when  you  are  dealing  with  lower  rated  personnel. Inaccurate  use  of  technical  terms  is  confusing  to inexperienced   personnel. ADMINISTRATIVE  ASSISTANT The  administrative  assistant  is  a  direct  representa- tive of the executive officer (XO). He or she may be a commissioned  officer  or  a  senior  Yeoman  delegated  to act  for  the  XO  in  specific  functions  of  administration. An  administrative  assistant  is  concerned  with  overall policies,  procedures,  and  regulations  of  the  command. He or she also serves as the X-division officer. Because you work closely with the administrative assistant, you should  be  familiar  with  most  of  the  duties  and responsibilities. You may not be expected to do the job when  the  administrative  assistant  is  absent;  however, you are expected to supply intelligent answers about the job. From the time you sew on your first-class crow you should consider yourself in training, not only for chief, but for the time when you may have to perform the duties of the administrative assistant. The duties, responsibilities, and authority of the administrative  assistant  are  numerous.  Administrative assistants review, coordinate, and supervise specific duties and functions as necessary to reach the objectives. They  perform  the  following  duties: .  Observe  and  report  to  the  XO  on  the effectiveness  of  administrative  policies,  procedures,  and regulations of the command. .  Review  all  correspondence  and  directives prepared for the signature or review of the XO and make sure they conform with the  Department of the Navy Correspondence  Manual,   SECNAVINST  5216.5C, Preparation  of  Correspondence  and  Directives  for Signature of the SECNAV or CEA, the SECDEF or the President or a Member of the U.S. Navy of the White House Staff, SECNAVINST  5216.1H,  and  pertinent command  directives. . Initiate administrative action where appropriate in the case of instructions and other administrative directives. .  Schedule  interviews  of  visitors  with  the  XO. .  Coordinate  the  assignments  of  enlisted  personnel to  various  departments. . Exercise budgetary control of funds for expenses of  various  departments. . Supervise the preparation of the plan of the day (POD) and review for arrangement and content before submission  for  signature. . Exercise administrative direction of the print- shop  and  associated  duplicating  equipment. .  Coordinate  and  ensure  the  indoctrination  of recruits  and  newly  reported  personnel. SHIP’S SECRETARY As the senior YN stationed onboard a ship, you may be assigned as the ship’s secretary. The ship’s secretary reports to the commanding officer (CO) as his or her personal  secretary.  Ship’s  secretaries  are  responsible, under  the  XO,  for  performance  of  assigned  duties  and to the administrative assistant for the accountability and routine administration of personnel assigned to the captain’s office. All personnel assigned to the captain’s office report to the ship’s secretary. The  ship’s  secretary  is  responsible  for  seeing  that the  administration  and  accountability  of  ship’s correspondence  and  directives,  administration  and 1 - 2

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