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SUPERVISION OF CO’S PERSONAL CORRESPONDENCE The  captain’s  Yeoman  prepares  the  CO’s  personal correspondence;  however,  the  Yeoman  does  NOT  have supervisory responsibility y for it. This is one of the ship’s secretary’s functions. Most COs want an extra copy made of any personal correspondence for inclusion in their personal files. For ready reference, the CO may want  an  extra  copy  made  of  official  correspondence  on some subjects. The ship’s secretary must often make the decision   as   to   whether   an   extra   copy   of   official correspondence should be made. In most cases the COs retain their own personal file or entrust its upkeep to the ship’s  secretary. OFFICER  RECORDS Signatures in the service record are required to make sure entries are made by proper authority and the records are  properly  maintained.  Signatures  are  made  in permanent black or blue-black ink. The ship’s secretary is  required  to  keep  up  and  maintain  custody  of  officer personnel  records.  He  or  she  makes  sure  all  incoming directives  relating  to  change  of  duty,  promotion,  or change  in  status  of  officer  personnel  are  promptly executed and recorded. The ship’s secretary makes sure the office personnel are aware of any new procedure. He or she makes sure that required reports are sent on time, that  personnel  accounting  for  officers  is  accurate,  and that  there  exists  a  foolproof  system  of  handling  officer fitness reports. Refer to the  Navy  Officer  Fitness  Report, NAVMILPERSCOMINST 1611.1A. Chapter 50 of the  Naval  Military  Personnel  Manual (MILPERSMAN),  NAVPERS  15560,  contains additional   information   concerning   officer   service records. The topic is also discussed in the  Yeoman 3 TRAMAN. Remember–an officer’s record is vital to his or her career. This is true from the lowest ranking officer on the ship up through the “skipper.” Never let yourself or your personnel be careless or slipshod when working with the records. A good idea might be to give your best petty officer full charge of them. SHIP’S DIRECTIVES AND PUBLICATIONS The Navy Directives Issuance System is covered in detail in the Yeoman 3 TRAMAN and chapter 10 of the SORM.  The  ship’s  secretary  is  responsible  for  making the Directives Issuance System work on the ship. He or she also maintains the ship’s Master Directives Binder. This binder is a master set of all instructions and notices received and issued by the CO or the XO. Instructions and notices received from other activities are filed in the usual   way   (by   subject   classification   number   and originator). For those originated on the ship, there is a choice. They can be placed in the same binders and in the same order as those received, or they may be filed separately for ready reference. Refer to the  Department of   the   Navy   Directives   Issuance   System   Manual, SECNAVINST 5215.1C, part II. Ship or station notices ordinarily need not be filed in the master file because of their short duration. If it is necessary to interfile them temporarily with instructions, the notices should be tabbed so that each maybe easily and promptly removed as soon as its cancellation date is reached. Copies may be  tiled  in  separate  suspense  binders  when  necessary. The  importance  of  removing  obsolete  directives  and making  changes  to  effective  directives  cannot  be overemphasized.  You  could  find  yourself  considerably embarrassed  should  the  CO  or  another  officer  make  a decision based on your information only to find too late that the directive had been canceled or changed. Review new  directives  and  publications  and  make  changes  to them immediately upon receipt. Discuss all changes to current procedures with the entire office staff and if the procedural   changes   affect   other   administrative personnel in the command, include them in the training session. When updating a publication with a new change, always use the List of Effective Pages to verify that your manual is complete. Figure 1-1 is a list of required and recommended  publications. Review MILPERSMAN 5420100, with exhibit 1, NAVSUP P2002 (microfiche), and figure 1-1 to make sure that the required administrative publications are held and that a sufficient number of copies are on board. MORALE As a petty officer first class or chief petty officer, you have a responsibility to develop and maintain a high state of morale. The morale of your personnel is an important element in producing a cooperative effort toward   accomplishing   the   command   objectives. Personnel may seek counseling on such subjects as family  problems,  friction  with  co-workers,  frustrations and anxieties, or a personal sense of failure. You are responsible  for  counseling  personnel  about  any problem they feel a need to discuss with you. Likewise, you are responsible  for  counseling  personnel  about  any  problem that  hinders  the  operation  of  your  division.  The objectives of the naval service must remain primary. Each member must be informed and understand the 1-4

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