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l A copy of the document requiring the
l Related papers, such as source records,
analyses, surveys, and memos pertaining to
the report
Folders within the case file should be
arranged chronologically by report control
Established reports required by the
command must be given a follow-up review
to determine whether they continue to be
needed. If they are needed, then the review
must determine whether they continue to meet
all the requirements in the most effective
Elements used to make this
determination will include changing needs and
relationship to other reports,
n ew
developments in reporting devices and
A report must be reviewed before its
expiration to determine if it continues to meet
requirements efficiently. The report originator
conducts this review 60 days before the third
anniversary of its administrative issuance
requiring the report to include complete
rejustification of the requirement.
One effective way of providing an annual
review of every report required by a command
is to combine the review with the annual
review of command directives. Each required
report has a command directive as its basis.
Therefore, a complete review of that directive
3 months before the anniversary month of its
issuance date would provide the opportunity
for an in-depth look at any report listed in the
directive. (This is also an excellent time to
accomplish a review of the local forms used
for these reports.)
In a review of the local forms, a copy of
the report form and a blank OPNAV Form
5214/10 covering the report should be
provided to the reviewing office along with
the applicable directive.
A decision to
modify, cancel,
or continue the existing
directive would, likewise, include a similar
decision concerning any report or form
required by the directive.
During the origination or revision of
directives, the reports control point supervisor
should verify the approval of any report
required by the directive. The reports control
manager and the forms manager should
approve any required report while the rough
directive is still in the review process. This is
also the time for the reports control point
supervisor to verify that the RCS and report
title are specifically included in the directive.
When a directive is to be cancelled, the
control symbol and title of any report
previously required by that directive are
included in the canceling notice or in the
cancellation paragraph of the superseding
instruction. Cancelled reports must be routed
through the forms manager so that obsolete
report forms can be removed from case files.
The reports control office should publish
and distribute a list of current and cancelled
reports required or prepared by the command.
Organizational units within the command are
required to review the list and notify the
reports control office of any discrepancies.
Revised lists should be published annually
with quarterly supplements as necessary.
List of Current Reports
The published list of current reports
should include the following information:
l Title of the report
l Form number or format