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from the NPFO.  The initial stamp stock is not usually mailed to the ship or Prospective Commanding Officer until a designated postal clerk is available to receipt for it. Overseas shorebased commands establishing a post office receive their fixed credit from the servicing PFO. The  shipment  of  original  stock  is  normally addressed to the commanding officer and received on board   before   the   requested   effective   date   of establishment.    Upon  receipt,  the  reserve  custodian assigned in writing by the commanding officer signs for  the  stock  on  PS  Form  3883.    Then  the  reserve custodian opens the stock in the presence of the COPE. The  reserve  custodian  and  COPE  will  verify  the contents of the shipment against the enclosed invoice (PS Form 17) to ensure that the contents agree with the items listed. After verification has been completed, the COPE will enter the registered number(s) under which the stock was received and the date of receipt on the invoice. Then the COPE and reserve custodian sign the PS  Form  17s  enclosed  with  the  stamp  stock.    The reserve  custodian  signs  as  the  person  receiving  the stock, and the COPE signs as the witness.  The COPE retains the invoice in the MPO files for record purposes and returns the duplicate copy to the NPFO or PFO. If the space designated as the ship’s post office is accepted by the command, then the postal effects; i.e., stamp stock, blank money order forms, postal supplies and equipment, are stored in the post office until the first day of business actually commences.  If the space has not been accepted then the postage stock, blank money order forms and money order imprinter should be stowed in a safe issued to the Supply Officer.  Prior to opening the post office:    The command monies audit board must conduct an official audit and record the results on DD Form 2259, Report of Audit of Postal Accounts. This report must be prepared and submitted on the authorized date of establishment of the MPO to show the status of the postal effects on that day.   An original and two copies are prepared. Upon completion of the forms, the COPE and the designated auditors must sign all copies. In  addition  to  the  DD  Form  2259;  PS  Form 3369, receipting for the entire fixed credit and the  Supplies  and  Equipment  Receipt  (PS Form  1590)  receipting  for  all  capital  and sensitive equipment are completed and signed by the COPE. The original DD Form 2259, original and one copy each  of  PS  Form  3369  and  PS  Form  1590  must  be forwarded to the NPFO or PFO.   A suspense copy of each  form  is  retained  in  the  MPO.   Once  the  signed copies of PS Form 3369 and 1590 have been returned, destroy the file copy and file the signed copy. Other actions (not relating to the fixed credit) that have  to  be  completed  when  establishing  a  new  post office are as follows:    Confirm receipt of blank money order forms by sending  the  duplicate  copy  of  the  enclosed  PS Form 17s to the NPFO or PFO    Initiate DD Form 885 for the blank money order forms    Prepare  the  post  office  standard  operating procedures (SOP)    Implement directory card files and mail orderly appointments  (to  include  training  of  mail orderlies) CUSTODY OF FIXED CREDIT Remember  a  safe  to  secure  the  fixed  credit assigned to you must be obtained before you receive the  stock.   Also,  remember  that  you  will  be  the  sole custodian of the postal effects issued to you, and you are  wholly  responsible  for  their  safekeeping  at  all times   except   when   your   commanding   officer designates  in  writing  a  reserve  custodian  to  retain  a portion of the fixed credit. The number of customers you will serve normally determines the actual stamp stock needed to conduct day-to-day  postal  operations.    This  amount  in  most cases  will  be  $1,000,  but  it  may  be  increased  or decreased  when  the  commanding  officer  deems  it necessary.  An increase over $1,000 requires a letter of authorization signed by the commanding officer. After the fixed credit for day-to-day operations has been  determined,  split  the  stock  with  the  reserve custodian.   In  the  presence  of  the  reserve  custodian, verify the amount of the stock, and ensure that the total is  correct. When  the  count  has  been  completed, prepare PS Form 3369 in duplicate for the amount of fixed  credit  the  reserve  custodian  is  retaining  for safekeeping.   The reserve custodian should sign both copies,  retain  the  duplicate  copy,  and  return  the original to you. So  business  need  not  be  suspended  during  your absence for such reasons as leave or liberty, you should issue a portion of the fixed credit to one or more of your assistant  military  postal  clerks.   When  you  extend  a 8-6

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