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AFFIXING STAMPS Military  postal  clerks  are  not  permitted  to  affix stamps to mail.  The mailer of the article must affix the stamps and should be so informed should the question arise.   Inform your patrons, when necessary, that the stamps must be affixed firmly in the upper-right corner of the address side of the article.  Any stamp partially concealed by an overlapping stamp may not be counted as postage. UNAUTHORIZED TRANSACTIONS Learning Objective:  Recognize unauthorized uses of  stamp stock funds. It is unlawful for those of you entrusted with the sale or custody of postage stamps to use the stamps in payment of debts or expenses or for the purchase of any salable articles.  Stamps must be sold for cash, but not for more or less than face value. At  post  offices  where  automated  records  of  all daily financial transactions are not maintained, stamp stock  funds  must  be  kept  entirely  separate  from  all other funds in a clerk’s possession, and must not be commingled with stamp stock funds in the custody of anyone else. Postal clerks at large overseas post offices that use Integrated Retail Terminals (IRTs) co-mingle their funds.   Clerks using IRTs print out a tape at the end  of  the  day  that  identifies  the  amount  of  funds generated from stamp, meter, and money order sales. This  negates  the  requirement  to  separate  funds  for different postal transactions. Your  personal  property  and  funds  must  not  be stored   in   any   container(s)   assigned   for   the safeguarding of postal effects. In fact, postal clerks are not authorized to store any personal items in an MPO, and must not accept deposits of money or other articles for safekeeping from anyone. Q8-11.   List three types of postal stationery. Q8-12.   Explain  the  purpose  of  a  stamp  or  cash drawer. Q8-13.   What rule should you, a military postal clerk, follow when you need to walk away from your stamp stock for a short period of time? Q8-14.   When   improper   handling   and   storage procedures  cause  the  loss  of  postal  funds, what liability do military postal clerks hold? Now turn to appendix 1 to check your answers. FIXED CREDIT Learning  Objective: Recall   the   steps   in establishing and maintaining a fixed credit. Stamps  and  postal  stationery  are  issued  by  the Navy Postal Finance Office (NPFO) in San Diego, CA, or  through  a  designated  postal  finance  office  (PFO) overseas to MPOs in the form of fixed credit. The total amount of fixed credit carried by a Navy MPO depends upon the number of crewmembers to be served. As a general guide, this amount is calculated at a minimum of $25 per person with a minimum amount of $5,000 for a command.   Normally the COPE only retains  enough  of  the  fixed  credit  to  conduct day-to-day operations and the remainder is held by the reserve custodian and receipted for on PS Form 3369, Consigned Credit Receipt, in duplicate.   The COPE retains the original of the PS Form 3369 and the reserve custodian is given the duplicate. As  stamps  are  sold,  the  cash  from  stamp  sales becomes part of the fixed credit. As the amount of stamps on hand decreases, the amount of cash on hand increases, but the total fixed credit remains constant.  The funds are remitted, by check, to the NPFO or PFO when new stock is ordered, and upon receipt, the stamps become a part of the fixed credit, and the cycle starts again. When audited, the COPE must always be able to produce  the  full  amount  of  the  fixed  credit  in  stamp stock, including in transit stamp requisitions and funds. ESTABLISHING ORIGINAL STAMP STOCK The procedures for requesting establishment of an MPO are contained in OPNAVINST 5112.6.   These procedures  include  establishing  your  original  fixed credit. The amount of the original stamp stock desired by the commanding officer is specified in the letter that requested the Navy post office to be established.  This amount should be increased in proportion to the size of the crew.  For example, an aircraft carrier would carry an approximate total fixed credit of $100,000, and a DDG would carry approximately $5,000. RECEIPT OF ORIGINAL STAMP STOCK When a shipboard Navy post office is established, the designated COPE receives the initial fixed credit 8-5

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