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before accepting or refusing the article. Harmful
matter includes the following:
All kinds of poison including narcotic drugs
All poisonous animals, poisonous insects
(except scorpions), poisonous reptiles, and all
kinds of snakes
All disease germs
Acids, alkalis, and oxidizers
Highly flammable liquids, gases, or solids
Ammunition and fireworks
Radioactive materials
Articles emitting obnoxious odors
Matter is also nonmailable if it cannot be
forwarded to its destination because the address is
illegible, incorrect, or insufficient.
Also, articles may be nonmailable because they
fail to comply with postal regulations in regard to
preparation, classification, rate of postage, size, and
R e c o g n i z e
nonmailable written, printed, or graphic
While certain written, printed, or graphic matter
has been declared nonmailable, military postal clerks
may not exclude such matter from the mails. If a patron
presents written matter for mailing and you suspect it
to be nonmailable because of content, you should call
to the attention of the mailer, the applicable module of
the DMM. If, after you have done this, the mailer still
insists that the article be accepted, accept it. Events of
this nature should be reported to your supervisor or
postal officer. The following is a list of nonmailable
written and printed matter that you may encounter as a
military postal clerk. Refer to Module C of the DMM
for additional information:
Nonmailable matter includes but is not limited to:
Lottery matter
Solicitations or inducements for mailing
harmful matter, radioactive material,
switchblade knives, or intoxicating liquor
Copyright violations
Lewd or filthy matter
Libelous matter
Matter relating to national or international
Learning Objective: Determine mailability
of hazardous matter.
Items that have been classified as hazardous matter
include, in general terms, chemicals, explosives,
flammable materials, matches, poisons, and controlled
substances. Whether these items are acceptable at all,
or only under certain conditions, depends upon several
factors such as the following:
Type of container and capacity
Proper packaging
Method of absorbing and containing the product
in case of accidental leakage
Flash point
Irritant action to eyes and skin
Explosives of all kinds are nonmailable.
Flammable liquid is prohibited in the international
mail. Flammable liquid with a flash point between
20°F or l00°F is acceptable for domestic surface
transportation when it meets the container
requirements in Module C of the DMM.
Combustible liquids are prohibited in the
international mail. Combustible liquids may be
accepted for domestic surface or air transportation
when the requirements in Module C of the DMM are
A flammable solid is any material, other than one
classified as an explosive, that may cause fires through