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Page Title: Forwarding of Examination Materials to NETPDTC
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FORWARDING OF EXAMINATION MATERIALS TO NETPDTC After  the  examination,  all  completed  answer sheets  are  handled  and  stowed  as  described  in  the Advancement Manual. Forward examination returns for each paygrade to NETPDTC  by  U.S.  registered  mail  or  government contracted overnight delivery within 7 working days after  the  administration  of  the  examinations.    The answer sheets and report of destruction/administration must be sent to NETPDTC by a letter of transmittal. Do not fold or staple answer sheets.   Protect answer sheets with cardboard backing.   The total number of examinations reported as destroyed or transferred must match  the  total  number  in  the  Examination  Packing List (fig. 6-2).  The number reported must also include examinations received from other commands.  Verify the number of answer sheets against the number on the transmittal letters.  A common mistake is when the letter is prepared before the exam is given and then a candidate does not take the exam and the candidates name is left on the letter.  Ensure names and numbers on the letters match the answer sheets. Separate  letters  of  transmittal,  assigned  Report Symbol  COMNAVPERSCOM  1418-1,  should  be prepared for each paygrade.  The letter of transmittal should   list   all   used,   unused,   or   transferred examinations,  including  the  rate  abbreviation, examination  series,  and  examination  serial  number. The  letter  should  list  candidates  alphabetically  by name on enclosure (2), as shown in figure 6-4.  When personnel  from  more  than  one  activity  have  been examined,  the  candidates  should  be  grouped  by activity, as shown on enclosure (2) of the transmittal letter. NOTE: Transmittal  letters  for  February  and August  reserve  examinations  should  contain  answer sheets  for  all  paygrades.    Do  not  prepare  separate letters. The  original  letters  of  transmittal  are  sent  to Commanding  Officer,  NETPDTC  (N322),  6490 Saufley  Field  Road,  Pensacola,  FL,  32509-5126,  by registered  mail  or  government  contracted  overnight delivery.   Copies of the report of destruction should NOT  be   sent   to   COMNAVPERSCOM   or   the command’s administrative superior unless otherwise directed.  The answer sheets should NOT be folded or stapled and should be enclosed in cardboard backing for protection. The command must keep copies of the reports of destruction and receipts for transfer of examinations on file as an official record for 2 years. POST-EXAMINATION PROCEDURES Learning  Objectives:  Identify  the  post-examination procedures to be followed; identify the procedures to be followed when requesting substitute examinations. After  the  examination  cycle,  certain  procedures must  be  followed.    These  procedures  ensure  that examination  results  are  received  for  each  candidate and  that  candidates  selected  for  advancement  are advanced  correctly.    They  also  ensure  that  service record entries are completed properly. RESULTS OF NAVYWIDE ADVANCEMENT EXAMINATIONS After  the  examination,  the  candidates  and  the commands anxiously await the examination results. NETPDTC  publishes  the  E-4  through  E-6  exam results.  Commands receive the results approximately 3 months after the candidates take their examinations. Chief  petty  officer  candidates  normally  wait approximately  2  months  for  SELECTION  BOARD ELIGIBILITY  results.    They  then  wait  another  4 months,  while  the  selection  board  completes  the selection  process,  to  find  out  whether  they  are SELECTEES.   Senior and master chief petty officer candidates  are  recommended  and  nominated  in November  of  each  year.    They  normally  find  out whether they are selectees about 6 months later. NETPDTC  issues  examination  results  and advancement authority to individual commands by the Examination  Status  Verification  Report  (ESVR), Rating  Change  Authorization  (RCA),  data  mailer, message, or letter.  The examination results forwarded to  each  command  consist  of  the  ESVR,  RCA,  and Examination Profile Information Form.  (See figs. 6-5 through  6-7.)    Results  for  candidates  who  took  a substitute  examination  are  normally  issued  by  data mailers (data mailers provide the same information as the Examination Profile Information Form (fig. 6-7) but include examination results).  Once the RCA and the ESVR are verified, they should be posted on the command’s bulletin board. Examination Status Verification Report The ESVR (fig. 6-5) lists all personnel not listed on the RCA whose status is one of the following:    Selectee 6-12

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