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(2)   Copy   to   the   Defense   Finance Accounting   Service   (DFAS),   Special   Claims Department  (Code  4311),  Cleveland  Center,  Cleveland, Ohio  44199-2058,  if  the  sentence  includes  forfeiture  of pay that has been approved by the CA. Supplemental Actions and Supplemental Promulgating  Orders Action  on  the  case  occurring  after  the  initial promulgating order has been published will be taken by issuing  a  supplemental  action  and  a  supplemental promulgating  order. Appendix  17,  MCM,  1984, provides the necessary forms. Posttrial Service Record Entries When  an  enlisted  member  is  tried  and  convicted  by court-martial,  and  a  guilty  finding  is  approved  by  the CA, entries in the member’s service record must be made setting forth the details of the trial. When you are trying to determine which service record entries are required to properly document the results of trial, there are several things to consider. There are several types of punishment that the court could  adjudge.  Some  of  these  punishments  will  affect the accused’s pay and some will not. The types of punishment that affect an accused’s pay are (1) reduction in rate; (2) forfeiture of pay; and (3) fine. The types of punishment that do not affect the accused’s  pay  are  (1)  confinement;  (2)  hard  labor without  confinement;  (3)  restriction;  (4)  admonition  or reprimand; and (5) punitive discharge (DD or BCD). You must also realize that even though the CA has approved a sentence, or any part of a sentence, he or she may still desire to suspend that sentence or any portion of that sentence. If the CA does suspend a sentence, or any portion thereof, it may have a bearing on the type of service record entries you will be required to make. Notice that the service record pages that are required are pages 4, 7, 9, and 13. However, not all these pages will be used in every case. You will have to determine when any particular entry is required based upon the facts of the case. You have already learned the basic preparation requirements for these service record pages in chapter 6. The only difference now is you will prepare them for approved  court-martial  sentences  vice  NJP  results.  A few general rules apply for the preparation of these documents. Page 4 entries 1.  If  the  sentence,  as  approved  and  ordered executed  by  the  CA,  includes  a  reduction  in  rate,  you will prepare a page 4 entry. 2. If the sentence includes a reduction in rate that has  been  approved,  but,  instead  of  being  ordered executed,  has  been  suspended  for  a  specified  period  of time by the CA, then you will not prepare a page 4 entry at this time. 3. If the reduction in rate has been suspended by the CA for a specified period of time, and during that period of time the accused violates the terms of the suspension, the CA will most likely order the suspended reduction in rate be executed. This is known as vacating a  suspended  sentence.    When this happens, you will prepare a page 4 entry. The effective date and the time in rate date would be the date that the CA ordered the suspended reduction in rate vacated. A sample of a completed page 4 is shown in figure 8-12. Page 9 entries You will always be required to make a page 9 entry to document that an accused has been to a court-martial if  that  court-martial  resulted  in  a  conviction.  General rules for entries on page 9 include the following: 1. Block 2—Reason: If the accused was reduced in rate, you will type the letter abbreviation of the type of court-martial followed by a slash and then type RR. 2.  Block  4—Traits:  Always  refer  to  all  service record pages where an entry was made to reflect an approved  sentence. Figure 8-13 illustrates three examples of how to annotate a page 9. You would use the first sample if the sentence,  as  approved  by  the  CA,  did  not  include confinement and did not affect the accused’s pay—in other words, there was no reduction in rate, no forfeiture of pay, no fine, and no confinement. You will use the second sample if the sentence, as approved by the CA, did include confinement and/or did affect the accused’s pay, but did not include a reduction in rate. Use the third type  of  sample  when  the  sentence  as  approved  by  the CA includes a reduction in rate. As the samples show, the choices of possible page 9 entries would be the same for an SCM or a GCM. 8-17

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