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Naval Military Personnel Manual, NAVPERS 15560C, change 1, Articles
4210100-4210140, 42101 60, 4210200, and 4210220, Department of the Navy,
Bureau of Naval Personnel, Washington, DC, March 1992.
The Navy Casualty Assistance Calls Program (CACP) Manual, BUPERSINST
1770.3, Bureau of Naval Personnel. At the time of the writing of chapter 4,
BUPERSINST 1770.3 had not yet been published; however, PERS 663, the
office responsible for BUPERSINST 1770.3 at BUPERS, reviewed chapter 4
for current technical accuracy.
U.S. Navy Personnel Exchange Program (PEP), OPNAVINST 5700.7G,
Department of the Navy, Office of the Chief of Naval Operations, Washington,
DC, April 1991.
Chapter 5
Manual of Navy Total Force Manpower Policies and Procedures, OPNAVINST
1000.16G, Department of the Navy, Office of the Chief of Naval Operations,
Washington, DC, June 1990.
Chapter 6
American National Red Cross, SECNAVINST 5760.1C, Department of the Navy,
Office of the Secretary, Washington, DC, September 1985.
Career Information Program Management, NAVEDTRA 10238-A, Naval
Education and Training Program Management Support Activity, Pensacola,
Florida, 1990.
Drill and Ceremonies Manual and Interior Guard Manual, SECNAVINST
5060.22, Department of the Navy, Office of the Secretary, Washington DC, May
Encyclopedia of Associations, Deborah M. Burek, editor, Gale Reasearch Inc.,
Detroit, Michigan, 1991.
Naval Military Personnel Manual, NAVPERS 15560C, change 1, Articles 1040290,
3450150, 3450200 and 3810200, Department of the Navy, Bureau of Naval
Personnel, Washington, DC, March 1992.
Policy and Procedures Concealing Scheduling Conferences Involving Expenditure
of Navy Temporary Additional Duty (TAD) Funds, OPNAWNST 5050.24D,
Department of the Navy, Office of the Chief of Naval Operations, Washington,
DC, November 1990.
Responsibility for Morale, Welfare, and Recreation (MWR) Programs in the Navy,
OPNAVINST 1700.7D, Department of the Navy, Office of the Chief of Naval
Operations, Washington, DC, October 1988.