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If BUPERS (PERS 292) disapproves the SRB
request, the reason will be stated and guidance for
resubmission (if applicable) will be provided.
OPNAVINST 1160.6A provides more information
on specific eligibility criteria for members with broken
service, zone eligibility criteria, and specific policies,
and provides sample page 13, Record of Administrative
Remarks, NAVPERS 1070/613, entries. The instruction
and NAVADMIN 066/91 also provide a sample work
sheet to determine SRB amount, message preparation
instructions, sample of SRB request message, and other
information pertinent to reenlistment bonuses.
According to SECNAVINST 5212.5C, you
dispose of records and files on a given date or
after a
specified event or action. Files should be terminated
periodically to ease disposal action and assist with
reference to current records. Establish specific cutoff
periods for each record series accumulated. This allows
disposal or transfer to occur in uniform chronological
Terminate correspondence files and most other
general files, as well as numerical files or documents,
annually at the end of the calendar year. Fiscal and
accounting records must be closed out annually at the
end of the fiscal year.
Terminate case files when action has been
completed or on the occurrence of a particular event or
action. For example, certain contract files are removed
from the current file and placed in the completed file
when all shipments have arrived or final payment under
the contract has been made.
If files are eligible for destruction when less than 1
year old, they should be cut off at shorter intervals; for
example, cut off files eligible for destruction when 6
months old at the end of 6 months and those eligible for
destruction when 3 months old at the end of 3 months.
Consider continuity, use, and volume, as well as the
retention period, as factors. A general rule to follow is
to set cutoff periods according to the volume and
retention period.
Move cutoff or terminated files to lower file drawers
or to other less convenient office space.
No personnel records are maintained for each
enlisted member of the Navy and Naval Reserve; the
permanent microfiche record is maintained by BUPERS
and the other record is maintained by the personnel
office or PERSUPPDET supporting the individuals
duty station. A U.S. Navy Enlisted Service Record
(folder), NAVPERS 1070/600, is kept for each current
member of the Navy or Naval Reserve. The service
record consists of a flat folder bearing the full name and
social security number (SSN) of the member.
The enlisted service record provides a local
reference file of documents for personnel
administration. The record is the property of the
government and not the member. Official documents
and service record pages are a vital and permanent part
of the record and entries may be made only by those
authorized by the CO. The service record must not be
used as a depository for wills or other documents of a
personal nature. If the service record is lost, a copy
should be requested from CHNAVPERS (PERS 312)
per the MILPERSMAN, Articles 5010125 and
Adverse matter should not be filed in the service
record without first giving the member an opportunity
to review the material and submit a statement on it. If
the member reported on chooses to make no statement,
that intention should be indicated in writing either by the
members signed and dated declination or the expiration
of a stated period that the member has to submit a
statement after having been advised.
Two personnel records are maintained for each
officer of the Navy and Naval Reserve. The permanent
record is maintained by CHNAVPERS in microfiche
format and the U.S. Navy Officer Service Record
(folder), NAVPERS 1070/66, is maintained by a
military personnel records administrative office that
supports the officers current duty station. The service
record consists of a flat folder bearing the full name and
SSN of the officer.
The officer service record provides a local reference
file of documents for personnel administration. The
record is the property of the government and not of the
officer. Official documents and service record pages are
a vital and permanent part of the record and entries may
be made only by those authorized by the CO. The service
record must not be used as a depository for wills or other
documents of a personal nature. The CO and the
individual officer jointly make sure the service record is