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problem. In addition, because in most locations the
member may elect an accompanied tour within 90 days
of arrival overseas, it is better to identify the potential
problems before the member executes the orders.
Remember all transferring commands must conduct
overseas screening whether a members transfer is from
CONUS to overseas or consecutive overseas tours from
overseas (sea/shore) to overseas (sea/shore).
The CO of the transferring command is responsible
for the overseas screening. You will assist in the steps
that follow:
1. Upon receipt of the PCS orders overseas, direct
the member to undergo mandatory, service-coordinated
urinalysis screening. Orders are not executed until
receipt and analysis of these urinalysis results.
2. Make sure each individual and dependent being
assigned overseas is screened within 30 days after
receipt of the transfer directive. If delay is anticipated
beyond the 30-day period, send an interim message to
CHNAVPERS (PERS 40 and PERS 462) explaining the
delay and stating the estimated date of completion. The
member is not to be transferred before completion of
overseas screening.
3. Conduct the interview according to the
ENLTRANSMAN, chapter 4, since it will always
contain the most up-to-date information on overseas
screening requirements. Also refer to Suitability
Screening for Overseas Assignment, OPNAVINST
4. During the interview, brief the member and
family members with the section of Information
Overseas Living Conditions,
NAVMILPERSCOMINST 1720.1B, on dependent
entry requirements and traveling and living conditions
at the next duty station. For members that are assigned
and have elected an all others tour, make sure the
member is familiar with the MILPERSMAN, Article
6810105, on command-sponsored and noncommand-
sponsored dependents.
5. Make sure a Report of Suitability for Overseas
Assignment, NAVPERS 1300/16, is completed when
the member and dependents, if any, are considered
suitable in all respects for duty overseas. Do this before
preparation of the Standard Transfer Order (STO), if
appropriate. File this report in the members service
record. The CO must notify CHNAVPERS (PERS 40
and PERS 462) by message (or NAVGRAM if received
at CHNAVPERS within 30 days of receipt of orders).
For nondesignated SN/AN/FN, the message/
NAVGRAM must be addressed to EPMAC with an
information copy to CHNAVPERS.
6. Make sure the member has sufficient obligated
service to complete an accompanied or unaccompanied
DOD area tour or that the member incurs enough
obligated service to complete the DOD area tour. Page
13 entries for obligated service are not authorized.
Always keep in mind the high-year tenure (HYT)
7. Make sure service record page 13 entries are
made as shown in the ENLTRANSMAN, chapter 4.
If the transferring commands CO considers an
individual or his or her dependents unsuited for overseas
service, the following actions should be carried out:
Report such action within 30 days of receipt of
orders by message to CHNAVPERS (EPMAC for
nondesignated SN/AN/FN), with an information copy
to the receiving command, indicating the nature of
disciplinary action or other reason(s) for unsuitability.
Reports must be as complete as possible to permit
equitable determination and must be accompanied by
the COs recommendation for disposition. If the
chaplains rationale for unsuitability is part of the
finding, his or her rationale may be omitted if he or
she so desires. Hold orders in abeyance until notified
by CHNAVPERS (EPMAC for nondesignated
SN/AN/FN). Complete the Report of Suitability for
Overseas Assignment, NAVPERS 1300/16, and file in
service record. Make sure the service record page 13
entry is made as shown in ENLTRANSMAN,
chapter 4.
Once a member has been successfully screened
by the detaching command for any subsequent
information, misconduct, or emergency medical
problems rendering him or her unsuitable (occurring at
the transferring command or at any intermediate activity
en route to overseas duty), hold orders in abeyance and
notify CHNAVPERS. (For nondesignated SN/FN/AN,
inform EPMAC immediately.) Make sure the member
and dependents are aware of their responsibility to
report if any of these conditions occur. Also make sure
the member and dependents are aware of their
responsibility to report circumstances that may change
their suitability status after being declared suitable for