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overseas assignment; for example, medical or legal
problems incurred before arriving at an ultimate duty
While strict adherence to overseas screening
be overemphasized,
CHNAVPERS or EPMAC can grant waivers on a
case-by-case basis as conditions warrant. Individual
COs can judge the qualifications and potential of each
member best. A CO may decide that a waiver is in order
on completion of the overseas screening interview even
though a member is not technically qualified for
overseas assignment. Such requests for waivers under
these conditions are encouraged and should be
submitted to CHNAVPERS (PERS 40) or EPMAC for
nondesignated SN/AN/FN.
A request for a waiver must be completely
documented with comments on the members
performance with particular emphasis placed on
potential. CHNAVPERS (PERS 40) (EPMAC for
nondesignated SN/AN/FN) screens the request and
makes the final decision.
If the CO of an overseas activity receives
improperly screened personnel or dependents, the
overseas activity should send an overseas screening
deficiency report (OSDR) as shown in the
ENLTRANSMAN, chapter 4, by message or letter to
CHNAVPERS (PERS 40 and PERS 462). Include
EPMAC as an action addee if nondesignated
SN/AN/FN are involved.
If reassignment (early return) of the member is
desired due to unsuitability, submit the report as an
OSDR for early return. This procedure is not used as a
means of transferring personnel instead of disciplinary
or administrative action. Its use is restricted to those
cases where transfer is the only possible solution. Each
case is decided on its merits by CHNAVPERS or
If transfer is approved, make sure a page 13 service
record entry is made indicating unsuitability for
overseas duty and reasons for disqualification. On
approval of early return, send an availability report
according to the ENLTRANSMAN, chapter 20. Include
all factors of the transfer.
To permit CHNAVPERS or EPMAC disposition,
inform your area commander, fleet commander, and
BUMED if reason is medical.
Personnel determined to be unsuitable for continued
overseas service will, on approval of CHNAVPERS or
EPMAC for nondesignated SN/AN/FN, be transferred
to duty for which they are eligible.
There are two reports dealing with overseas
screening: report of suitability/unsuitability and OSDR.
The report of suitability/unsuitability as shown in
the ENLTRANSMAN, chapter 4, is sent to
CHNAVPERS (PERS 40 and PERS 462) by the
command completing the overseas screening and
reports whether an individual or dependents are suitable
or unsuitable for overseas duty. For nondesignated
SN/FN/AN, this report is sent to EPMAC info
The OSDR as shown in the ENLTRANSMAN,
chapter 4, is sent to CHNAVPERS (PERS 40, PERS
462, and PERS 466) when an overseas command
receives improperly screened personnel or dependents.
For nondesignated SN/FN/AN, this report is sent to
EPMAC and CHNAVPERS (PERS 462 and PERS 662).
This message reports discrepancies in the screening
conducted by the transferring command that mayor may
not require early return of the member or dependents.
This message may also request early return due to
reasons other than screening deficiencies. These
requests are prompted by problems that develop after
arrival overseas that make a member or dependents
unsuitable for continued overseas assignment.
CHNAVPERS sends OSDRS to the responsible
manning control authority (MCA) and BUMED, where
appropriate. The MCA tasks the immediate superior in
command (ISIC) of the transferring activity to correct
conditions causing the improper screening.
The CO or OIC of the transferring command is the
ultimate person responsible for proper screening of
personnel transferring overseas.
In most cases, the CO or OIC delegates his or her
authority to other persons to actually do the screening.
The CO or an officer acting or the OIC signs the Report
of Suitability for Overseas Assignment, NAVPERS
To summarize, you, as the supervisor of the ships
personnel office, squadron personnel office, transfers