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SOURCE DATA SYSTEM OPERATING CONCEPTS The  SDS  design  recognizes  the  interdependence  of pay  and  personnel  matters  and  provides  a  single, integrated  system  to  support  both  functions.  SDS  is  a standard system that supports both active and Reserve forces, afloat and ashore. To help you understand SDS, some  basic  concepts  are  as  follows: The  data  base.  Information  stored  on  the computer  that  supports  each  PERSUPPDET,  GSS,  or shipboard office is a data base. This automated data base, known as the Mini-Master, has a record for each Navy member for which the PERSUPPDET, GSS, or ship is responsible. This data base contains both pay and personnel information and is linked electronically to BUPERS  and  DFAS  –  Cleveland  Center,  permitting  the field  and  headquarters  to  exchange  information  rapidly. The data base contains data elements that the field users can access to prepare input to headquarters or to retrieve information for themselves or their customers. Pay and personnel events. Often an action occurs that changes the information about a Navy member that is stored in the data base. That occurrence is called an event. For example, when a Navy member reports to a PERSUPPDET for duty at a new duty station, SDS calls that  an  “activity  gain  event.”  The  SDS  software program helps the SDS user to input the data needed to record each event. When the event is inputted, it receives a  document  control  number  (DCN).  SDS  software  also determines  who  needs  to  know  about  that  event  – BUPERS,  DFAS  -  Cleveland  Center,  or  both.  SDS updates  the  field  data  base  and  sends  data  to headquarters. Data is collected only one time, even if it goes  to  two  different  headquarters.  Each  event  is assigned a unique event control number (ECN) when the event is released for processing. Data editing. SDS programs that process event input data contain many edits to help make sure only valid  data  is  entered.  Data  sent  from  SDS  sites  to headquarters  for  update  into  the  master  pay  and personnel  records  average  less  than  a  3-percent  error rate. If invalid data are entered during event processing, SDS responds with a message to help the user identify the problem. SDS tries to give meaningful messages and be user friendly. Help  screens.  A  series  of  SDS  programs  are available to provide the user with important information and valid data entry codes. These help screens are a kind of automated user manual. If a user is not sure about what types of data are required, he or she can easily request the system to help. Suspense file and feedback. SDS keeps track of events  that  have  been  sent  to  MAPTIS,  IMAPMIS,  or JUMPS by creating a suspense file. Data are kept on this file   until   MAPTIS,   IMAPMIS,   or   JUMPS   sends feedback  records  to  tell  what  happened.  This  positive tracking capability helps prevent important pay and personnel information from being lost. Retrieving information. Users can find what is in the  data  base  by  several  methods.  A  record  can  be displayed on the key video display terminal (KVDT). The same screen information also can be printed on one of the companion printers. Many reports are available that can be selected at the terminal and printed on the batch printer. The SDS query capability lets a user search the data base to find and display or print records meeting  certain  requirements.  Because  SDS  contains data protected by the Privacy Act, only authorized users may retrieve information. Data contained in SDS must be  viewed  or  retrieved  only  for  proper  performance  of assigned  duties.  It  should  never  be  disclosed  for  other than  official  use. ORGANIZATION STRUCTURE SUPPORTING SOURCE DATA SYSTEM The  PERSUPPDET  and  GSS  are  the  primary functional  organizations  that  SDS  supports.  The personnel  support  activity  (PERSUPPACT),  as  the managerial organization in the field geographical area, is   also   supported   by   SDS.   Within   these   field organizations,  personnel  are  selected  to  perform  specific responsibilities necessary for the operation of SDS. Terminal  Operator The  terminal  operator  (T.O.)  is  responsible  for  all event processing and makes sure all required entries are correctly filled. The T.O. releases the event into the event file, printing a hard copy for the supervisor for auditing  and  release.  Correct  event  entry  reporting  and processing  are  the  extent  of  the  T.O.’s  responsibility. Supervisor The   supervisor   is   responsible   for   designated functional  work  area  operations,  supervising,  and assisting the T.O. whenever required. The supervisor’s primary  responsibility  in  SDS  is  the  accuracy  and release  (if  authorized)  of  events  from  the  event  file  to the central files. The supervisor uses system reports to 1-8

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