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Therefore,  you  must  always  refer  to  the  applicable official  publications  to  obtain  the  most  current information. Specific guidance for current rates and conditions  of  entitlements  can  be  found  in  the Department  of  Defense  Financial  Management Regulation   (DODFMR),  Military  Pay,  Policy,  and Procedures, volume 7, part A, DOD 7000.14-R NAVSO P-6048. MILITARY PAY SYSTEM The present military pay system was not designed as a whole. Instead, the military pay system has evolved over the years in response to the needs of the military community.  The  result  is  a  complex  network  that includes various special pays and allowances, plus other pay  elements  created  for  specific  groups  or  skills.  The legal term Regular Military Compensation (RMC) is used to indicate military pay. REGULAR  MILITARY  COMPENSATION The  RMC  is  a  combination  of  basic  pay,  basic allowance   for   quarters   (BAQ),   variable   housing allowance  (VHA),  overseas  housing  allowance  (OHA), basic allowance for subsistence (BAS), and the federal tax advantage on the nontaxable allowances (BAQ, VHA,  OHA  and  BAS).  The  RMC  of  personnel  not receiving BAS and BAQ is based on in-kind values (meals  and  quarters  provided  by  the  government). Other entitlements such as special and incentive pays and   allowances,   reenlistment   bonuses,   benefit packages,  and  the  present  and  future  value  of  the retirement system are an additive to the RMC. BASIC PAY The pay of service members is prescribed by law. Members are entitled to receive pay according to their paygrades and years of service if they are on active duty in a pay status and not otherwise prohibited by law from receiving such pay. Basic pay is the primary means of compensating members of the uniformed services. Except  for  certain  periods  of  unauthorized  absence, excess leave, and confinement after an enlistment has expired,  every  active  duty  member  is  entitled  to  basic pay  on  a  regular  basis. The  rate  of  basic  pay  is determined  by  a  member’s  paygrade  and  length  of service. Personnel  having  the  same  paygrade  and  time  in service normally make more money than personnel in a lower paygrade and with less time in service. So you 8-5 can see how paygrade and length of service are factors consider in determining how much a person gets paid The  rates  are  also  fixed  so  personnel  will  stop receiving raises for increased length of service at certain points in each paygrade. This provides an incentive for service  members  to  attain  increased  pay  levels  by earning promotions. Refer to figure 8-5 which shows you a sample pay chart. Additional  information  concerning  the  computation of pay is contained in part 1, chapter 2 of the DODFMR, volume 7, part A. Also, you can refer to the  Naval Military   Personnel   Manual   (MILPERSMAN), NAVPERS 15560, Article 2610150, which discusses computation of service for basic pay. TAX ADVANTAGE Formal  tax  advantage  varies  among  individual members and is dependent on such things as paygrade and length of service, whether subsistence and quarters are  received  in  cash  or  in-kind,  the  amount  of subsistence and quarters allowances (including any VHA or OHA), the number of member’s personal tax exemptions,  and  the  member’s  marital  and  dependency status. To  understand  exactly  what  the  tax  advantage covers,  think  of  it  like  this:  Basic  pay  is  subject  to income tax; BAQ, VHA, OHA, and BAS are not. The federal income tax advantage is a savings, rather than a payment,  to  military  members. INCENTIVE PAY FOR HAZARDOUS DUTY Service  members  entitled  to  basic  pay  are  also entitled to incentive pay for performing certain specified hazardous  duties. This  is,  of  course,  provided  the members are under competent orders and otherwise meet the requirements specified in part 2, chapter 3 of the DODFMR, volume 7, part A. The hazardous duties members must perform to receive  incentive  pay  include  the  following: l  Parachute  duty . Flight deck duty l Demolition duty . Experimental stress duty . Leprosarium duty

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