| |
Accident cost, 4-11
Accidents, causes of, 4-11 to 4-12
Accounting for cash collected, 3-9 to 3-15
After inventory, 6-5 to 6-14
Automated records, 1-1 to 1-6
Cash collection agent, 3-1
Cash collection errors, common, 3-16 to 3-18
Cash collection procedures, 3-6 to 3-9
Cash collection, responsibility for, 3-1
Cash collections, 3-1 to 3-18
accounting for cash collected, 3-9 to 3-15
accounting for money in the dollar
bill changer, 3-15
Cash Receipt Book, NAVSUP Form
Cash Register Record, NAVSUP
Form 469, 3-9 to 3-13
closeout of the NAVSUP Form 469,
daily review of the cash register
record, NAVSUP Form 469, 3-13
daily review of the NAVSUP Form
469 for vending machines,
3-13 to 3-14
cash collection, responsibility y for, 3-1
cash collection agent, 3-1
sales outlet operator, 3-1
cash collection procedures, 3-6 to 3-9
frequency of collections, 3-7
dollar bill changer, 3-7
vending machines and amuse-
ment machines, 3-7
methods of collecting cash, 3-7 to 3-8
delivery by the sales outlet
operator, 3-7
moneybags, 3-7 to 3-8
night depository safe, 3-8
Cash collections—Continued
cash collection procedures—Continued
vending machine coin box, 3-8 to 3-9
night deposits, 3-8 to 3-9
using self-locking money coin
boxes, 3-8
cash from sales, 3-1 to 3-5
bulk sales, 3-2 to 3-3
cash registers, 3-2
cash collection agent safe, 3-2
cash register keys, 3-2
cash register tapes, 3-2
group sales, 3-2
overrings and underrings, 3-4
refunds, 3-3
returned personal checks, 3-4 to 3-5
change funds, 3-5 to 3-6
change fund shortages, 3-6
retail store change fund, 3-6
vending machine change funds, 3-6
deposits with the disbursing officer, 3-15
to 3-18
cash sales invoice, 3-16
common cash collection errors, 3-16
to 3-18
review by the ship’s store officer,
3-15 to 3-16
Cash from sales, 3-1 to 3-5
Cash Receipt Book, NAVSUP Form 470, 3-9
Cash Register Record, NAVSUP Form 469,
3-9 to 3-13
Cash registers, 3-2
Cash sales invoice, 3-16
Cash, methods of collecting, 3-7 to 3-8
Closeout procedure for the NAVSUP Form
235, 6-19 to 6-23
Cost of operation issues, 5-9 to 5-11
Credit invoices, 6-6
Credit memorandum log, 2-21
Damage to laundered items, 7-8 to 7-14
Danger areas in material handling, 4-12 to 4-13