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470, and the pages must be identified accordingly.
The Cash Receipt Book, NAVSUP Form 470, will
be kept in the custody of the vending machine
operator. Meter readings are taken at the time of
collection and used to determine the amount of
cash that should be in the vending machine. A
record of these meter readings is maintained on
the NAVSUP Form 469 under the column marked
Number of Customers. The previous day’s meter
reading minus the meter reading at the time of
collection times the selling price should equal the
cash collected.
When locked money boxes are installed in
drink vending machines, the boxes will be
numbered on the outside and issued to the vending
machine operator by the person responsible for
cash collections. Before issuing the locked money
boxes, the collection agent will make sure the box
is key locked and a seal is affixed over the lock
opening. The number of the seal will be recorded
in an unused column of the Cash Register Record,
NAVSUP Form 469.
Delivery by the Vending
Machine Operator
The vending machine operator may be
required to deliver the locked money boxes to the
person making collections. If this is done, you
should first take the meter reading and write it
down before you remove the money box. After
you remove the full money box, replace it with
the empty one. The locked money boxes in
vending machines are provided with two sets of
keys, one locks the box inside the machine, while
the other opens the money box itself. The vending
machine operator will have the key that removes
the box from the machine, and the other key that
opens the money box will be retained by the
person making collections. If the vending machine
you are maintaining is not equipped with a meter
to count sales, you should figure out how many
cans you sold when you replace the money boxes.
The total cans in the machine at the last collection
plus the cans put in the machine minus the total
cans in the machine at the time of collection equal
the number of cans sold. After you get the meter
reading or figure out the number of cans sold,
you will deliver the locked money box to the ship’s
store officer or cash collection agent. Cash will
be counted by the person making collections in
the vending machine operator’s presence. The
person making collections will then make sure the
vending machine operator agrees with the meter
reading or number of cans sold for each machine
and will use them to see if the cash collected is
over or short. When the money box is delivered
to the cash collection agent instead of the ship’s
store officer, the ship’s store officer must make
sure the collection agent is personally reading each
vending machine meter at least twice weekly.
Optional Procedures
There may be times such as weekends or after
regular working hours when the ship’s store
officer or the cash collection agent is not available
to accept the vending machine coin box. In this
case one of two things must be done. Place the
money box in a night depository safe or turn the
locked money box and meter reading over to the
supply department duty officer or another
commissioned duty officer for safekeeping.
When the second method is used, a money box
log will be maintained by the duty officer receiving
the money box. Each time the vending machine
operator delivers or receives a money box from
the duty officer, an entry will be made in this log
and signed by both persons. When the money box
is turned in, the duty officer will keep the money
box in a safe place until the next day. The vending
machine operator will pick up the money box and
the cash will be collected and compared to the
meter reading or number of cans sold.
The Vending Machine Control, NAVSUP
Form 236, is prepared monthly by the office
recordskeeper, for each drink vending machine
operated aboard ship and will be signed by the
ship’s store officer. The quantity of drinks in the
custody of the vending machine operator is
determined at the beginning and the end of each
month. This is done by inventorying the number
of drinks in the vending machine and any backup
stock that is in the custody of the vending machine
operator. The final cash collection of the month
is done at the same time inventory is taken on each
Vending Machines in Separate
Responsibility Operations
When one or more machines are operated
under separate responsibility, the vending machine
operator will maintain a daily record of vending