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equipage has been taken during the 6-month period
before the start of the annual inventory, the requirement
for the current year is considered to be satisfied, When
a departmental inventory of controlled equipage is
taken incident to the relief of a department head, it is
taken jointly by the relieved and relieving department
heads. It must be completed before the detachment of
the relieved department head.
Preparation for Inventory
Before a physical inventory of controlled equipage,
all unprocessed receipt and expenditure documents
relating to controlled equipage must be completed and
posted to applicable NAVSUP Forms 306. The
originals of NAVSUP Forms 306 for items with serial
numbers are reviewed to make sure the serial numbers
on them. Original custody records without serial
numbers are marked to show that serial numbers must
be determined during the upcoming inventory.
Custodial department heads are told to make the sane
notation, if needed, in their duplicate custody records.
At least 1 month before 15 February, the supply officer
prepares an official notice advising all department
heads of procedural details to be followed in performing
their annual inventories of controlled equipage. The
notice is signed by the commanding officer or an officer
with delegated authority.
Performing the Inventory
The head of each department is responsibility for
inventorying the items for which he has custody. The
duplicate NAVSUP Forms 306 are used when
performing and recording the physical inventory of
controlled equipage.
Each item must be seen and
impeded for serviceability by the person performing
the inventory.
Serial number control must be
maintained on those items identified in NAVSUP
P-485. Differences between serial numbers on the
material and those on the custody records must be
investigated and reconciled. The date of the inventory,
quantity inventoried, and signature of the person
performing the inventory must be entered in the
Inventory Reed of the department heads duplicate
custody records. The entries must be made by pen or
indelible pencil.
The inventory entries recorded in the duplicate
custody records are transcribed as soon as possible to
the originals maintained by the supply officer. When
the inventoried quantity of an item differs from the
verified custody record balance, recounts and/or
investigative research are required in accordance with
Upon completion of a controlled equipage
inventory, each department head must submit a letter
report to the commanding officer. A copy is also sent
to the supply officer. When controlled equipage is
inventoried because of a change of department head, the
letter report must be signed by both the releived and
relieving department heads.
Deficiencies and Excesses
To maintain effective management of controlled
equipage assets, some type commanders keep a
computerized program designed to:
Afford ready visibility of existing controlled
equipage deficiencies and excesses.
Match the reported deficiencies of one ship with
the reported excesses of another.
Facilitate the redistribution of reported excesses.
Point out deficiencies of urgently required items
for which no excesses are available for
Input to this program, comes from required,
deficiency/excess reports from individual ships of the
type command. The request for reporting procedures
and from are found m the NAVSUP P-485.
Selected item management is an inventory control
procedure for Nonautomated ships that focuses
management attention on the small percentage of items
that experience the majority of demands. Inventory
management of repair parts and consumables
designated as SIM items requires:
Close and continuing attention.
Quarterly stock status review.
Semiannual inventory.
Verification or update of management data in
stock records upon each receipt of a new ML-N.
Stock replenishment based on demand using
high and low limits.
Collective storage in centrally located
storerooms, except for items which, because of
their physical characteristics, cannot be properly
stored in such locations.
Separate file of stock records.