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. Make sure your personnel present a neat and well-groomed appearance at all times. No personnel should wear any article of clothing that is not prescribed as part of the uniform of the day without the permission of the proper authority. Although the Navy does not prescribe or distinguish among styles of haircuts, a wide variety of hair styles, if maintained in a neat manner, is acceptable. The determination of hairstyles for male and female personnel within the criteria detailed in the  U.S. Navy Uniform Regulations,  NAVPERS 15665, is an individual  decision. . Prohibit the use of profane, obscene, or vulgar words  or  gestures. .  The  importance  of  service  and  information provided to Navy members and their dependents must not be minimized. No person should accept any money or other compensation from a person in return for a service that is his or her duty to perform or render, regardless  of  the  circumstances  incident  to  such services. Nor should personnel give or offer any money or  other  compensation  to  any  person  for  a  service performed  in  the  line  of  duty,  regardless  of  the circumstances incident to such service. . Prohibit any action, whether or not specifically prohibited by the standards of conduct, that might result in or reasonably be expected to create the appearance of any violation of the government code of ethics. For example: Soliciting get rich quick investments, selling cosmetics, or furnishing a roster or the names of crew members to any solicitor without the permission of the commanding  officer  (CO). You will or should find yourself constantly scanning your  environment;  maintaining  liaison  with  contacts; talking with seniors, peers, and subordinates; and, in the process,  receiving  a  large  quantity  of  unsolicited information.  As  you  collect  information,  share  and distribute  the  information  with  your  personnel  to support  and  improve  customer  service. IDENTIFICATION CARDS An identification (ID) card is issued to all members of the U.S. Navy and Naval Reserve serving on active duty and U.S. Naval Reserve on inactive duty, retired members  of  the  uniformed  services  entitled  to  retired pay, and eligible dependents. There are four types of ID cards. . The Armed Forces Identification Card, DD 2N (ACT), is printed in green security-type ink and issued to assist in identifying the bearer as a member of the armed forces serving on extended active duty and to serve  as  identification  for  purposes  of  Article  17, Geneva  Convention,  relative  to  the  Treatment  of Prisoners of War, of 12 August 1949 (GPW). . The Armed Forces Identification Card, DD 2N (RES), is printed in red security-type ink and issued to assist in identifying the bearer as a member of the U.S. Naval Reserve on inactive duty. The DD 2N (RES) dated 1 May 1979 must be issued to those persons requiring the card. All previous editions are obsolete and may not be used. . The United States Uniformed Service Identi- fication  Card,  DD  2  (RET),  is  printed  in  blue security-type  ink  and  issued  to  assist  in  identifying  the bearer  as  a  retired  member  of  the  uniformed  services entitled to retired pay. l  The  Uniformed  Services  Identification  and Privilege   Card,   DD   1173,   is   printed   in   black security-type  ink  and  issued  to  assist  in  identifying  the bearer as an eligible family member of a U.S. military sponsor. ISSUE ID cards are issued by the following authorized issuing activities only: personnel support activities, personnel  support  activity  detachments,  destroyer tenders (AD), combat store ships (AFS), fast combat support  ships  (AOE),  replenishment  oilers  (AOR), repair  ships  (AR),  submarine  tenders  (AS),  guided missile cruisers (CG), carriers (CV), aircrafi carriers (nuclear) (CVN), amphibious command ships (LCC), amphibious assault ships (LHA/LPH), and battleships (BB).  Activities  other  than  those  listed  must  request authority  to  issue  cards  from  the  Chief  of  Naval Personnel. The issuing activity is responsible for the following: Reviewing  the  application. Making sure it has been properly verified. Making sure the applicant is a bona fide recipient. Contacting the verifying officer if the applicant’s status is questionable. Returning any DD Form 1172 that is more than 90 days old to the verifying officer. Correcting obvious errors on the form such as color of eyes and hair, weight, and height. Other 7-6

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