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charge,  must  sign  the  orders.  The  signature  of  the member  being  transferred  signifies  that  he  or  she  has read, understands, and will comply with the orders. DETACHING AND REPORTING ENDORSEMENTS  IN  CONJUNCTION WITH PERMANENT CHANGE OF STATION ORDERS You  must  prepare  a  detaching  endorsement whenever  a  member  detaches  PCS  from  his  or  her permanent duty station. When the member arrives at an intermediate duty station or ultimate duty station, a reporting endorsement must be prepared to report his or her  arrival  and  account  for  leave,  travel  time,  and proceed  time,  if  applicable.  The  Navy   Pay   and Personnel   Procedures   Manual   (AAYPERSMAN), NAVSO  P-3050,  and  the  SDSPROMAN,  volume  I, provide you with instructions on the preparation and distribution  of  endorsements. NAVAL MESSAGES A  naval  message  is  a  written  thought  or  idea expressed briefly and to the point. A message is prepared when electrical transmission is warranted, otherwise a NAVGRAM  should  be  sent.  Refer  to  the   Naval Telecommunications   Procedures,   Telecommunications Users  Manual,  NTP   3(I),   for   instructions   and preparation of naval messages and NAVGRAMs. Remember that DD Form 173 is no longer used. Instead, the message text format (MTF) program must be  used.  This  program  allows  for  floppy  diskette transmission. Up to 50 messages may be included on one  diskette. The term originator  identifies  the  command  or organization in whose name a message is sent. The message  is  authorized  for  transmission  by  the  releasing officer as discussed later in this chapter. When you compose a message, you are identified as the drafter. As a first class or chief petty officer, you will draft many messages. You must be knowledgeable and understand the procedures contained in the NTP 3. TYPES OF MESSAGES There  are  four  types  of  classified  and  unclassified narrative  messages:    single  address,  multiple  address, book, and general message. A single address message is a message that has only one  addressee,  either  action  (TO)  or  information (INFO). A  multiple  address  message  has  two  or  more addressees,  whether  action  or  information.  The  purpose of this message is to let all addressees know who the other recipients are. A book message is a message destined for two or more addressees, but is of such a nature the drafter considers that no addressee needs or should be informed of the other addressee(s). General  messages  are  designed  to  meet  recurring requirements  to  send  out  information  to  a  wide, predetermined  standard  distribution.  General  messages are  titled;  for  example,  NAVOP,  ALNAV,  ALCOM, ALMILACT. Because the title indicates the distribution, it serves as the address designator in the address line of the  message  heading. To attain uniformity of format with joint procedures, the  general  message  has  a  consecutive  three-digit  serial number followed by a single slant and the last two digits of  the  current  calendar  year;  for  example,  NAVOP 012/92. The general message title and number and year stand alone on the line after the classification and before the  message  identification  (MSGID). MESSAGE FORMAT General  administrative  (GENADMIN)  is  the  format used for most narrative messages. The only exceptions are those narrative messages for which a publication, an instruction, or other directive requires a different format, Annex  C  in  NTP  3  contains  GENADMIN  message preparation  instructions.  Proforma  is  another  type  of message  format  used  by  naval  activities  and  is  one  of the exceptions mentioned previously. A proforma message reports data in a set format such as in GUARD III and SRB requests. Drafters who prepare  these  messages  must  adhere  precisely  to instructions  provided  by  other  publications,  such  as  the ENLTRANSMAN  for  textual  construction  and addressees. Use  the  United  States  Navy,  Plain  Language Address  Directory,  with current Navy Plain Language Address Directory (NAVPLAD) messages, to create your  MTF  database  of  addressees.  The  information  you include  in  the  database  will  save  you  time  when preparing  messages. 1-10

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